Poppies 2 (2023) 絵画 Maria Romano によって

キャンバスの木炭, 19.7x15.8 in
プライス: 送料無料
Maria Romano が販売
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最大解像度: 3024 x 4032 px

Maria Romano が販売

Title : Series- Poppies 2 A female figure wrapped in large red poppies, represented in a realistic way, light plays a fundamental role in the proportional and three-dimensional sense of the work, the poppy flowers (like women) appear delicate and fragile but are actually able to grow in the most impervious terrains. Emotionality that I[...]
Title : Series- Poppies 2
A female figure wrapped in large red poppies, represented in a realistic way, light plays a fundamental role in the proportional and three-dimensional sense of the work, the poppy flowers (like women) appear delicate and fragile but are actually able to grow in the most impervious terrains.
Emotionality that I love to represent through my works shines through the very expressive female face, which takes us to the essence of the soul.


Floral PaintingRed Flowers PaintingRed Poppies PaintingFigurative PaintingWoman Portrait Painting

The artist Maria Romano's introspective studies are intense, aimed at describing the essence of the human soul through an intense, essential pictorial gesture, aimed at describing the ripples of the human[...]

The artist Maria Romano's introspective studies are intense, aimed at describing the essence of the human soul through an intense, essential pictorial gesture, aimed at describing the ripples of the human ego. The multiple studies narrated by the artist are interesting, she combines female figures, surreal, metaphysical scenarios, full of a symbolism that borders on introspective value. The artist's technique alternates between oil, acrylic and pastel, thus showing his ability in pictorial versatility.
Cit : Elisabetta La Rosa: Art Historian

The artist Maria Romano, born in Massa Lubrense, attended the Art School of Sorrento, and then moved abroad in 1997 where she lived and worked for several years, self-taughtly cultivating her intrinsic passion for art.Upon returning to Italy, she steadily resumed her artistic journey, studying the features of the human face with various studies and preferring, among the many techniques, that of pastels, mixed media and oil painting.

"I am an artist who believes in the gradual and constant growth of the craft. The impulse to create pushes me to take brushes and pencils, meticulously selecting and mixing colors. I am constantly inspired and guided by an intangible force, almost in symbiosis with the very air I breathe as I paint. Figurative art fascinates me and I find immense pleasure in interpreting it. Although realism often influences my work, I am not bound by its limitations. My imagination takes flight, leading me to explore realms where imagination and creativity are intertwined. Through the representation of human figures, predominantly female, I delve into existential themes, intertwining symbols such as butterflies, children and flowers. My art aims to reveal the profound, but often repressed, foundations of the human soul: the essence of Love"

Maria Romanoからもっと見る

段ボールのアクリル | 15.8x11.8 in
キャンバスのオイル | 15.8x23.6 in
紙のパステル | 15.8x11.8 in
キャンバスのオイル | 11.8x11.8 in

