Eurasian Hoopoe - Bird Portrait (Photorealistic Drawing) (2022) Desenho por Daria Maier


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Vendedor Daria Maier

Drawing of an Eurasian hoopoe (lat. Upupa Epops). It is the most widespread species of the genus Upupa, native to Europe, Asia and the northern half of Africa. Created using Schneider ballpoint pens and white Sakura gelly roll on Fedrigoni paper. This artwork is sold unframed, with certificate of authenticity. [...]
Drawing of an Eurasian hoopoe (lat. Upupa Epops).
It is the most widespread species of the genus Upupa, native to Europe, Asia and the northern half of Africa.

Created using Schneider ballpoint pens and white Sakura gelly roll on Fedrigoni paper.
This artwork is sold unframed, with certificate of authenticity.

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I've been drawing from childhood. Graduated the academy of music, theater and fine arts. Am working since then in the field of arts and design. Currently drawing and designing stamps. Found my own style[...]

I've been drawing from childhood. Graduated the academy of music, theater and fine arts. Am working since then in the field of arts and design. Currently drawing and designing stamps. Found my own style of drawing with ball point and developed it into what It is today. Love drawing animals, birds and old architecture that might at some point in time disappear.


Lead Designer /Graphic Artist, Kyrgyz Express Post, 2017 - Current

Freelance Graphic Designer, Stock Photo Banks, 2014 - Current

Illustrator, Anna Weinrub, 2012 - 2015

Illustrator, Sun Publishing Journal, 2011 - 2014

Illustrator, Mario Schlembach, 2013

Illustrator, Worldofnature, 2012 - 2013

Illustrator, Prut International Publishing, 2009 - 2012

Illustrator, MD Science Publishing, 2011

Illustrator, Integritas, 2011

Designer, Health & Beauty Journal, 2011

Ver mais de Daria Maier

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