METEORITES IN SPACE 2 デジタルアーツ Mahesh Tolani によって



お客様のレビュー 優れた

販売者 Mahesh Tolani



最大解像度: 943 x 1519 px

販売者 Mahesh Tolani

  • この作品は「オープンエディション」です デジタルアーツ, ジークレープリント / デジタルプリント
  • 寸法 利用可能ないくつかのサイズ
  • 利用可能ないくつかのサポート (ファインアート紙, 金属への印刷, キャンバスプリント)
  • フレーミング 利用可能なフレーミング (フローティングフレーム+アンダーグラス, フレーム+アクリルガラスの下)
  • アートワークの状態 アートワークは完璧な状態です
  • カテゴリ コンセプチュアルアート 落書き
この作品について: 分類, テクニック & スタイル 技術 デジタルアーツ デジタルアートとは、言語やデジタルデバイス、コンピューター、インターフェイス、またはネットワークの詳細を使用した、さまざまなクリエイティブカテゴリのセットを指します。[...]
Ever since I was little, I've been crazy about drawing and art. As I grew up, I kept getting better by practicing a lot and putting in tons of effort. Drawing has always been my thing, you know? It's[...]

Ever since I was little, I've been crazy about drawing and art. As I grew up, I kept getting better by practicing a lot and putting in tons of effort. Drawing has always been my thing, you know? It's something I've loved since I was a kid.

Back in school, I started off with just a pencil, paper, and eraser. It wasn't easy at first. I made loads of mistakes, but I never gave up. Instead, I saw those mistakes as challenges to overcome. Slowly but surely, I got the hang of the basics of drawing.

Then came the fun part—colors! It was like magic, bringing my drawings to life with every splash of color. It made them pop and feel alive in a way that just pencils couldn't do.

As I got older, computers became a thing, and I hopped on board. Drawing digitally was a game-changer for me. It was so much easier and cooler than using pencils and paper. Plus, it opened up a whole new world of possibilities for me to explore. As technology advanced, so did my artistry. Embracing the digital realm, I discovered a world of endless possibilities at my fingertips. Drawing on computers opened up a whole new canvas for me to explore, where the only limit was my imagination. 

Nowadays, I'm still on my art journey, fueled by the same passion and dedication as ever. Each piece I create is like a little adventure, inviting people to come along and get lost in the world of imagination with me.

Today, as I continue on my artistic journey, I'm reminded of the simple truth that "thoughts are unlimited." It's a mantra that drives me forward, urging me to push the boundaries of what's possible and explore the depths of creativity. Each artwork is a testament to this belief—a window into a world where anything is possible and imagination knows no bounds.

So join me on this journey, where thoughts are unlimited and creativity knows no limits. Together, let's explore the endless expanse of imagination and discover the magic that lies within.

Mahesh Tolaniからもっと見る

デジタルアーツ | いくつかのサイズ
デジタルアーツ | いくつかのサイズ
デジタルアーツ | いくつかのサイズ
デジタルアーツ | いくつかのサイズ

