Go-Long (2017) 디지털 아트 Keith Ablow

디지털 아트, 36x24 in
가격: 무료 배송
판매자 Keith Ablow
고객의 리뷰 (1)
배송지: 미국 (나무 상자)
14 일 이내 환불 규정
전세계 배송
100 % 안전 거래
무료 반품
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무료 반품: 14 일 이내 환불 규정.
반품 접수 14 일 Artmajeur는 수집가의 만족을 위해 100% 최선을 다하고 있습니다. 14일 이내에 원본 작품을 반환해야 합니다. 작품은 원래 포장 상태로 완벽한 상태로 아티스트에게 반환되어야 합니다. 모든 적격 품목은 반품할 수 있습니다(달리 명시되지 않는 한).
디지털 라이선스

이 이미지는 라이선스로 다운로드할 수 있습니다.

최대 해상도: 400 x 601 px
구매 즉시 다운로드
아티스트는 판매할 때마다 로열티를 받습니다

판매자 Keith Ablow

종류 중 하나
작가의 사인이 담긴 작품
정품 인증서 포함
벽걸이 준비
알루미늄에 장착됨
이 작품은 1 컬렉션에 나타납니다.
The world wants to keep you in line. To shut you up. To make you give up. To make you get along to go along. Well, screw that. How about going long, instead? Throw for the end zone. Take no prisoners. Stop at nothing. This Rx is red for a good reason. It’s time to get angry enough to make things happen—for real, for keeps, for the big win,[...]
The world wants to keep you in line. To shut you up. To make you give up. To make you get along to go along. Well, screw that. How about going long, instead? Throw for the end zone. Take no prisoners. Stop at nothing. This Rx is red for a good reason. It’s time to get angry enough to make things happen—for real, for keeps, for the big win, forever.
자동 번역
Dr. Keith Ablow practiced psychiatry in Boston and New York City for 25 years before starting Keith Ablow Creative and the self-help movement Pain-2-Power.   Dr. Ablow has hosted a nationally-syndicated[...]

Dr. Keith Ablow practiced psychiatry in Boston and New York City for 25 years before starting Keith Ablow Creative and the self-help movement Pain-2-Power.  

Dr. Ablow has hosted a nationally-syndicated talk show and appeared on television as an expert on culture and politics for the Today Show, Good Morning America, CBS This Morning, Fox & Friends, Oprah, Dr. Oz, 20/20 and many other venues.  He has been profiled in People, Good Housekeeping, Boston Magazine, the Journal of the American Medical Association, Psychiatric Times and many other publications.  He has written and sold screenplays to major television networks and film companies, including CBS and Lionsgate Films.  

Dr. Ablow is also the author 16 books, including six novels, a New York Times bestselling self-help book and a New York Times bestselling true crime book.  He was, for years, a columnist for The Washington Post.

With PROJECT PRESCRIPTION, he now turns his attention to creating art that can move people to think deeply and act boldly.

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디지털 아트 | 36x24 in


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