Sweet Cherry Lips and Blue Satin Sheets (2015) Schilderij door John Dobson


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Verkoper John Dobson

Fine art papier, 8x11 in

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US$ 33,00
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  1125 px  

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Kunstafbeelding database
  • Origineel Kunstwerk (One Of A Kind) Schilderij, Acryl op Ander substraat
  • Dimensies Hoogte 8,5in, Breedte 11in
  • Staat van kunstwerk Het kunstwerk is in perfecte staat
  • Framing Dit kunstwerk is niet ingelijst
  • Categorieën Figuratieve
Sweet Cherry Lips and Blue Satin Sheets is a OneArt nude work of art. The reclining nude is my wife, Samatherith, on brand new, blue satin sheets. I loved painting this work of art. A single bold adamantine holds this sensuous work together. She is so beautiful. In fact, she is the very definition of what I believe beautiful is. Her sweet cherry[...]
Sweet Cherry Lips and Blue Satin Sheets is a OneArt nude work of art. The reclining nude is my wife, Samatherith, on brand new, blue satin sheets. I loved painting this work of art. A single bold adamantine holds this sensuous work together. She is so beautiful. In fact, she is the very definition of what I believe beautiful is. Her sweet cherry lips always seductively invite me to join her. She turns her head towards me in full acceptance of my desire. Happy Wife - Happy Life is a great motto to live by. Life is better than good. Life is a blessing.

Verwante thema's

OneartJohndobsonFine Art PaintingFemale NudeSensuoue Art

Automatisch vertaald
Artist Biography  My work is known as OneArt. I am the 'father' of this Art Movement.  It's fundamentals are: Life is a unique balance of energy, and this energy moves.[...]

Artist Biography 

My work is known as OneArt. I am the 'father' of this Art Movement.  It's fundamentals are: Life is a unique balance of energy, and this energy moves. We touch Love through It's exchanges, and God through sharing. 

Trees, flowers, you, me, even the very air we breathe are made up of the same energy - with each identifiable by moving at different speeds. We are energy and so is our Universe.  We radiate our very own unique energy signatures, and the special part of all of this is that each of us affects and thus is affected by Life's balance of energy through our expressing and receiving Love. I get to paint this. Art,then, must evolve and concern itself with the interconnectedness and interdependence of all life, and with the exchanges of Love which elevate us all to be One  - thus OneArt.


I am a professional self taught Artist.


I have only exhibited three times: 1 in St.Louis, USA, 1 in Paris, France, and 1 in Rome, Italy.. I don't feel comfortable with exhibitions  of my work.



For an Artist, the real competition is internal. Yet, I do understand our society thrives on creating measuring sticks. Since history has never been written by loosers, society likes to move those sticks to suit itself. The perception of winning is important to some people. It is not for me. I measure achievements through my works:

. 'Child Of Himself'. It was good enough to sign, and in 2008, even after never having exhibited my works, was appraised on its own merit, with no Artist hype, for $1.8M USD.

. 'Sammie in Pink', a portrait of my wife Samatherith, and 'Young Girl Wearing A Golden Necklace', a portrait of my youngest child, Jasmine.

. 'So He Is', Proverb 23:7, a first OneArt Color Translation. 'For as he thinks within himself, so he is.' 

. 'Air On A Sunny Day'. This work stands as my inspiration to create a series of works on Air.

. 'Helen', as a commissioned work. I personally delivered  this work to a collector, and now close friend. Impactfully demonstrates we are one in Nature.


I am in private collections in the USA, Europe, South East Asia, and in Indonesia. All sales have been private, and while each has been documented and provenance managed by my estate, no public acknowledgement can nor ever will be made available. 

I paint landscapes. I paint portraits,  and yes I paint nudes, and pets, and flowers.

I know, now, that it is time for OneArt. It is exciting to me that my works, themselves, radiate an energy of their own. Their energy signatures are unique. I believe this is how we differentiate good works from great works. Picasso once said: When Art is fully understood, it will cure a toothache'. Art is more than just something beautiful to hang on a wall. It can heal. Art can make us think, feel, and yes even laugh or cry. PINCH ME - I GET TO PAINT THIS. Let's get together! Connect with me! Perhaps add a work or two to your collection! Thank you.

John Dobson

Bekijk meer van John Dobson

Bekijk alle kunstwerken
Acryl op Ander substraat | 6x11 in
Acryl op Ander substraat | 8,5x11 in
Acryl op Ander substraat | 18x24 in
Acryl op Plastic | 12x12 in
Prints van US$ 33,43


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