Jaguar E Type the legendary sports car from 1960 (2023) デジタルアーツ Jan Keteleer によって



お客様のレビュー 優れた

販売者 Jan Keteleer



最大解像度: 5950 x 3966 px

販売者 Jan Keteleer

  • この作品は「オープンエディション」です デジタルアーツ, ジークレープリント / デジタルプリント
  • 寸法 利用可能ないくつかのサイズ
  • 利用可能ないくつかのサポート (ファインアート紙, 金属への印刷, キャンバスプリント)
  • フレーミング 利用可能なフレーミング (フローティングフレーム+アンダーグラス, フレーム+アクリルガラスの下)
  • カテゴリ フォトリアリズム
If you are a serious collector of vintage cars, the Jaguar E-Type is one car you should not miss. It is an icon in itself and has been immortalized by many Hollywood movies. It has the distinction of being the first ever car to enter the race track in 1960. However, the Jaguar E-Type was not a success immediately as other sports cars in the same class[...]
If you are a serious collector of vintage cars, the Jaguar E-Type is one car you should not miss. It is an icon in itself and has been immortalized by many Hollywood movies. It has the distinction of being the first ever car to enter the race track in 1960. However, the Jaguar E-Type was not a success immediately as other sports cars in the same class were and many had planned for the improvement of the car in the future. Some of these plans included improving the engine efficiency and increasing the speed.

No doubt, Jaguar's first entry into one race was problematic and they suffered a lot in the first months of operation. However, they were more than ready in the second half of the season and won seven out of ten races. Even though they were not at their top form at the beginning of the 1960s, they won eight out of the next nine seasons and were on their way to becoming one of the most successful brands in the industry. However, the real excellence of this classic sports car from 1960 lies in its ability to keep improving even when the times were tough and the competition was tough too. Many changes were made to the Jaguar E-Type throughout its history, which led to significant improvements and it became the favorite of many classic car lovers around the world.

Now, Jaguar E-Type is available for sale at many classic car auctions and you can buy it at a price much lower than its original price. This low price allows you to purchase a unique classic car for an even higher price. With so many different models and years of use, there is no doubt that any E Type you get will be an antique and it will also have a high resale value. That is why Jaguar is a very popular name in the classic car industry and this is one of the reasons why you should consider purchasing an E-Type vintage car for sale. No matter how rare and limited the model is, it will always be worth the money and will certainly increase the value of your estate if you decide to sell it someday.


Jaguar Classic Car Vintage Car Sportscar Car

ベルギーのアーティスト、ヤン・ケテラー(JanKé)は、古典美術と近代・現代美術の両方に興味を持ち、様々なスタイルで作品を制作しています。古代美術は彼の興味の一つですが、ポップアートと印象派の作品例も見つけることができます。Jan Keteleerのポートフォリオを見てみると、美しい自然の風景、絵画的な動物のイメージ、ポップアートをベースにしたヌードなどを見つけることができます。 商業写真に長年携わった後、彼は芸術的なモノクロ写真に興味を持ちました。Speechless」「Silent[...]

ベルギーのアーティスト、ヤン・ケテラー(JanKé)は、古典美術と近代・現代美術の両方に興味を持ち、様々なスタイルで作品を制作しています。古代美術は彼の興味の一つですが、ポップアートと印象派の作品例も見つけることができます。Jan Keteleerのポートフォリオを見てみると、美しい自然の風景、絵画的な動物のイメージ、ポップアートをベースにしたヌードなどを見つけることができます。

商業写真に長年携わった後、彼は芸術的なモノクロ写真に興味を持ちました。Speechless」「Silent Dialogues」「Roots with Taboo」などのプロジェクトで、名声を得る。ベルギーの多文化社会、異なる国や民族の共存、言葉の壁、「古い」ベルギー人(先住民)と「新しい」ベルギー人(移民)の間の対話の欠如といった問題からインスピレーションを得ている。




Jan Keteleerからもっと見る

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