Twilight Sail (2004) Pintura por James Sheehy

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Vendedor James Sheehy

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34,00 US$
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  499 px  

650 px
Dimensiones del archivo (px) 499x650
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Banco de imágenes de arte
Certificado de autenticidad incluido
  • Obra de arte original Pintura,
  • Dimensiones Altura 12in, Anchura 9in
  • Categorías Pinturas menos de 500 US$
Not Framed. Acerca de esta obra de arte: Clasificación, Técnicas & Estilos Técnica Pintura La pintura es una forma artística[...]
Not Framed.
Traducido automáticamente
“The most recent compliment I received about my work was from a woman who said that one of my landscapes brought tears to her eyes. She purchased that painting at a time when she could least afford it because[...]

“The most recent compliment I received about my work was from a woman who said that one of my landscapes brought tears to her eyes. She purchased that painting at a time when she could least afford it because it moved her so deeply. My goal, and my biggest challenge, is to take what exists in nature and create a painting that draws people in and gives them something emotive to respond to.”

Jim Sheehy is an award-winning artist and Signature Member of the Connecticut Pastel Society. His work has been shown in juried art exhibits throughout New England, including the 2007 Annual Members Exhibition at the New Britain Museum of American Art. He has been featured in the Artists FX magazine and two of his paintings were commissioned for the cover of novels published by Oak Tree Press.

The unifying element in all of Jim’s work is the use of light to create shadows and reflections and, in some instances, an aura of surprise and even mystery. Recently I find myself studying the colors of the sky. I enjoy painting skies and look for the multitude of colors in the sky. Whether he’s recreating a scene of local interest or bringing a sunset to life through pastels, all of his work is realistic in nature. Jim has studied under several renown artists, including Richard McKinley, Maggie Price, Frank Federico and Terry Oakes Bourret. Of all the mediums available to artists, he is drawn to pastels because of their purity and the way they allow him to capture shadows and light, creating a sense of place in all of his work.
He is the former Director of Engineering for the Town of Wethersfield and is a life-long resident of Connecticut. After serving as CPS Treasurer for six years he is currently the CPS Secretary.

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Oleo | 18x24 in
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Pintura | 23,5x17 in
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Pintura | 19x11,5 in
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