Jack Mancino Art 摄影 由 Jack C Mancino


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Jack Mancino Art


Jack Mancino Art

Jack C. Mancino''' (born 1968 in Hungary), currently living in the United Kingdom / England, is a contemporary Abstract expressionist painter, graphic artist, photographer. Biography

Jack C. Mancino''' (born 1968 in Hungary), currently living in the United Kingdom / England, is a contemporary Abstract expressionist painter, graphic artist, photographer.


Jack C.Mancino (Csaba Balogh) was born in Hungary 1968. He grew up in the riverside industrial small town called Leninvaros (Tiszaujvaros) (east region of Hungary).He was ten when he started to study art painting, graphical portrait, graphical landscapes drawing. At the beginning of his study he liked to copying art paintings using oil and acrylic paint that helped him to get the very important basic techniques. In 1980 at age of 12 he moved to (Halle Neustadt) Germany with his family. That short period of time he made improvement in the study of graphical drawing and acrylic painting due to copying comic book themes to sketch books and posters.When the family moved back to Hungary he felt that he wanted to make major improvement in art but there wasn`t sufficient support by the local art teachers.Until 17 he lived in Hungary studying in an Industrial engineering school learning drafting in mechanical drawing. In 1986 he moved back to north Germany. He worked in a nuclear power plant on the north sea side region where he got a big impact of the different land and seascapes. He remembered: "I was watching the sea all day long and I almost lost my job because of it". At that time due to the great amount of working hours he was unable to focus on artistic activity. He spent a year in Germany when he moved to Canada (Toronto). He learned that the art themes on canvas was totally different in the western world compared to the art that was promoted in the communist era. Later he stated: "There was a style what was so free with it`s own system rules". He started to learn more about abstract and surrealism. The modern art gave him a new tunnel of viewpoints and of color usage.(Kandinsky,Picasso,Rothko).
When he moved back to Hungary he still studied art and graphics with commercial design,mechanical drawing but in the same time he got involved with the heavy industrial business to focus on industrial maintenance and structure building in the chemical and oil industry.When he sold his heavy industrial company at 30 he moved back to Canada ( Toronto)There he started to make progression with more focus on art by studying more about abstract expressionism and surrealism. Since 2005 he lives in the UK (England). He stated:"I finally find my own style, within the modern abstract expressionism. I try to archive situations, shapes, fields, feelings, urban themes as abstractions with vibrant colorization with my own naive and raw shapes. I'm actually unable to specify my own style. Right now I`m very much in love with Abstract expressionism."

Art analysis,influences and the Fragmented Geometrical Abstract

Mancino's work in abstract expressionism and suprematism is mainly based on artworks of earlier appeared great abstract expressionists from the early and middle of...

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| 23.6x19.7 in
US$3,462.33 不含运费
US$10,653.32 不含运费

