Disegni per cani in vendita

447 Disegni e illustrazioni originali in vendita: Stai cercando[...]

447 Disegni e illustrazioni originali in vendita:

Stai cercando Disegni originali in vendita ?

Esplora tutti gli stili e le tecniche di disegno: arte contemporanea, street-art, arte astratta, arte figurativa, paesaggi, ritratti, scene di vita, nudi, matita, inchiostro, carboncino, pastello... Artmajeur si rivolge a tutte le sensibilità artistiche e celebra la bellezza affianca da 20 anni con più di 2 milioni di opere d'arte contemporanea da scoprire... o acquisire! Il punto di riferimento mondiale per il design artistico. Scopri le opere di artisti contemporanei di tutto il mondo per arredare i tuoi interni con classe! Semplice amante dell'arte o collezionista confermato? Trova il disegno o lo schizzo preferito che metterà davvero in risalto la tua decorazione. Artmajeur ti offre opere originali, edizioni limitate e stampe d'arte dei migliori artisti contemporanei del mondo. Su Artmajeur, i disegni sono selezionati da appassionati ed esperti del mercato dell'arte. Selezioniamo per te le opere originali di designer di tendenza, premiati e riconosciuti, nonché i nuovi valori emergenti nel campo dell'arte contemporanea per guidarti e aiutarti nel tuo processo di acquisto di disegni artistici online.

Discover contemporary Dog Drawings on Artmajeur

Contemporary Dog Drawings are a captivating form of art that has gained popularity in recent years. These artworks come in various forms such as pencil drawings, watercolor paintings, and digital illustrations, and are created on different materials such as paper, canvas, or tablet. What makes these original pieces unique is the level of creativity and individuality each artist brings to their work. Through the use of expressive lines, bold colors, and intricate details, contemporary dog drawings capture the personality and spirit of their subjects. These artworks also evoke a range of emotions in viewers, from joy and nostalgia to contemplation and reflection. Overall, contemporary dog drawings offer a fresh and exciting perspective on a beloved subject and are sure to delight and inspire art enthusiasts and dog lovers alike.

Disegno,  11,7x8,3 in
Drinking dog #140 Disegno, 11,7x8,3 in
©2024 Pavel Kuragin Artista rappresentato da Kuragin & Arutunyan Gallery

Origins and History

Contemporary dog drawings have a rich history dating back to ancient civilizations. Dogs were often depicted in Egyptian, Greek, and Roman art as symbols of loyalty and protection. During the Renaissance period, artists such as Leonardo da Vinci and Albrecht Dürer made significant contributions to the development of dog drawings. In the 19th century, the popularity of dog breeding led to a rise in dog portraiture.

Disegno,  11,8x9,8 in
Le chiot Disegno, 11,8x9,8 in
©2024 Irene_art

Evolutions of theses works in the contemporary art market

Contemporary Dog Drawings have undergone a significant transformation in recent years, with artists exploring new techniques and styles to portray these beloved animals. The use of vibrant colors and bold lines has become increasingly popular, as artists aim to capture the essence of dogs in their work. Some artists have also focused on portraying the emotional connection between dogs and their owners, while others have experimented with more abstract representations. These works have gained significant recognition in the contemporary art market, with collectors and enthusiasts alike showing great interest. The importance of these drawings lies in their ability to capture the unique spirit of dogs, and the emotional connection that humans have with them.

Disegno,  9,8x7,9 in
Chien de chasse - Braque Disegno, 9,8x7,9 in
©2015 Hélène Avot

Related Famous Artists

Contemporary artists who specialize in Dog Drawings have created works of art that are both playful and profound. One such artist is known for her colorful and whimsical depictions of dogs in various poses and activities, often with a touch of humor. Another artist creates realistic and detailed portraits of dogs, capturing their personalities and unique expressions. Some artists incorporate dogs into larger, more complex compositions, exploring themes such as identity, community, and social issues. Others focus on the simplicity and beauty of the canine form, using minimal lines and shapes to convey a sense of movement and energy. Whether through humor, realism, or abstraction, these artists demonstrate the enduring appeal of man’s best friend as a subject for contemporary art.

Disegno,  7,9x11,8 in
Chien de chasse Disegno, 7,9x11,8 in
©2015 Hélène Avot

Notable contemporary Dog Drawings

One of the most famous contemporary Dog Drawings is "Balloon Dog" by Jeff Koons, created in 1994. This artwork is a stainless steel sculpture of a balloon twisted into the shape of a dog. Koons’ aim was to create a sense of joy and playfulness with this artwork, which has become an iconic symbol of contemporary art.

Another well-known Dog Drawing is "A Bigger Splash" by David Hockney, created in 1967. This artwork is a colorful depiction of a swimming pool with a diving board and a dog in the foreground, captured at the moment of a splash. Hockney’s use of bright colors and bold lines creates a sense of motion and excitement, while the inclusion of the dog adds a touch of whimsy to the scene.

A more recent Dog Drawing is "Dog Days" by Barkley L. Hendricks, created in 2014. This artwork is a portrait of a dog, depicted in vibrant colors against a bright blue background. Hendricks’ use of color and composition creates a sense of energy and vitality, while the dog’s expression suggests a sense of curiosity and playfulness.

Another popular Dog Drawing is "Dog (Blue)" by Yves Klein, created in 1957. This artwork is a monochromatic blue painting of a dog, created using Klein’s signature color, International Klein Blue. Klein aimed to create a sense of spirituality and transcendence with his artwork, and the use of a dog as the subject adds a sense of warmth and humanity to the piece.

Overall, these contemporary Dog Drawings showcase the diversity and creativity of artists working with this beloved animal as their subject. From playful sculptures to vibrant paintings, these artworks capture the essence of what makes dogs such beloved companions to humans.

Più rilevanti | I più recenti

Disegno intitolato "Drinking dog #140" da Pavel Kuragin, Opera d'arte originale, Pastello
Drinking dog #140 - Disegno, 11,7x8,3 in ©2024 da Pavel Kuragin - Naive Art, naive-art-948, Cane,

Pavel Kuragin

"Drinking dog #140"

Pastello su Carta | 11,7x8,3 in

72,17 USD
Stampe disponibili
Disegno intitolato "Chien de chasse" da Hélène Avot, Opera d'arte originale, Matita
Chien de chasse - Disegno, 7,9x11,8 in ©2015 da Hélène Avot - Figurative, figurative-594, Cane, Chien, Pierre Noire, Dessin, Chasse, Chien de chasse

Hélène Avot

"Chien de chasse"

Matita su Carta | 7,9x11,8 in

Non in vendita
Disegno intitolato "Handmade Dog Mandal…" da Soumyarani Guda, Opera d'arte originale, Inchiostro Montato su Telaio per barel…
Handmade Dog Mandala Art | Pet Animal Art | Dog Art - Disegno, 11,7x8,3 in ©2023 da Soumyarani Guda - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Cane, Dog, Dog Art, Dog Drawing, Dog Mandala Art, Handmade Mandala Art, Pet Animal Art, Pet Animal Mandala Art, Dog Lovers Art, Pet Lovers Art, Wall Decor, Home Decor, Wall Hanging, Handmade drawing, Pencil Art, Unique Dog Gift, Dog Gift Art

Soumyarani Guda

"Handmade Dog Mandala Art | Pet Animal Art | Dog Art"

Inchiostro su Legno | 11,7x8,3 in

Non in vendita
Disegno intitolato "Paws" da Nikki, Opera d'arte originale, Pastello
Paws - Disegno ©2023 da Nikki - Symbolism, symbolism-1020, Cane, Dog, skecth



Pastello su Carta

Non in vendita Stampe a partire da 27,76 USD
Disegno intitolato "dog3" da Kash, Opera d'arte originale, Carbone
dog3 - Disegno, 11,8x7,9 in ©2012 da Kash - Figurative, figurative-594, Cane, chien, dog



Carbone su Carta | 11,8x7,9 in

Non in vendita
Disegno intitolato "Yorkshire" da Mamé Ríos, Opera d'arte originale, Matita
Yorkshire - Disegno, 11,4x8,7 in ©2021 da Mamé Ríos - Figurative, figurative-594, Cane, retrato, mascota, perro, lápiz, drawing, pencil, portrail

Mamé Ríos


Matita su Cartone | 11,4x8,7 in

Disegno intitolato "Бассет" da Vahan Shakhramanyan, Opera d'arte originale, Matita
Бассет - Disegno, 11,8x7,9 in ©2023 da Vahan Shakhramanyan - Illustration, illustration-600, Cane, Собака, животное, бассет

Vahan Shakhramanyan


Matita su Carta | 11,8x7,9 in

Non in vendita
Disegno intitolato "Mops" da Anne Adam (Artifucktion), Opera d'arte originale, Matite colorate
Mops - Disegno, 12x17,9 in ©2018 da Anne Adam (Artifucktion) - Hyperrealism, hyperrealism-612, Cane, Hunde, Hund, Tiere, Portrait, Tier

Anne Adam (Artifucktion)


Matite colorate su Carta | 12x17,9 in

Non in vendita
Disegno intitolato "Dog 2" da Jora Poshytilo, Opera d'arte originale, Pastello
Dog 2 - Disegno, 11,4x8,3 in ©2020 da Jora Poshytilo - Naive Art, naive-art-948, Cane, dog, dogs

Jora Poshytilo

"Dog 2"

Pastello su Carta | 11,4x8,3 in

1.208,73 USD
Stampe disponibili
Disegno intitolato ""Doggy #8"" da Vasyl Kovach, Opera d'arte originale, Carbone
"Doggy #8" - Disegno, 16,5x11,8 in ©2022 da Vasyl Kovach - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Cane, Art, Drawing, Charcoal, Dog

Vasyl Kovach

""Doggy #8""

Carbone su Carta | 16,5x11,8 in

Non in vendita
Disegno intitolato "Песики #4_5 (Диптих)" da Vasyl Kovach, Opera d'arte originale, Carbone
Песики #4_5 (Диптих) - Disegno, 16,5x23,6 in ©2022 da Vasyl Kovach - Cane, Art, Drawing, Diptych, Dogs

Vasyl Kovach

"Песики #4_5 (Диптих)"

Carbone su Carta | 16,5x23,6 in

Non in vendita
Disegno intitolato "“OLI”" da Bara Puletz, Opera d'arte originale, Acquarello
“OLI” - Disegno, 16,5x11,8 in ©2024 da Bara Puletz - Figurative, figurative-594, Cane, furryfamous, petportrait, musthave, giftforpetlovers, custom pet portrait, commissionedpainting, bulldog, petlovers

Bara Puletz


Acquarello su Carta | 16,5x11,8 in

Disegno intitolato "Le chiot" da Irene_art, Opera d'arte originale, Pastello
Le chiot - Disegno, 11,8x9,8 in ©2024 da Irene_art - Hyperrealism, hyperrealism-612, Cane, #chiot, #portrait, #doggy, #animal drawing, #pastel art, #living room decor, #children


"Le chiot"

Disegno su Carta | 11,8x9,8 in

309,17 USD
Disegno intitolato "Epagneul à l'affut" da Hélène Avot, Opera d'arte originale, Carbone
Epagneul à l'affut - Disegno, 11,8x19,7 in ©2015 da Hélène Avot - Figurative, figurative-594, Cane, Chien, Pierre noire, Epagneul, Chasse

Hélène Avot

"Epagneul à l'affut"

Carbone su Carta | 11,8x19,7 in

Non in vendita
Disegno intitolato "The Pug" da Kalli Horn, Opera d'arte originale, Matita
The Pug - Disegno, 8,3x11,7 in ©2021 da Kalli Horn - Hyperrealism, hyperrealism-612, Cane, Pug

Kalli Horn

"The Pug"

Matita su Carta | 8,3x11,7 in

Non in vendita Stampe a partire da 27,76 USD
Disegno intitolato "HUSKY" da Milie Lairie, Opera d'arte originale, Pastello
HUSKY - Disegno, 12,6x9,5 in ©2020 da Milie Lairie - Hyperrealism, hyperrealism-612, Cane, chien, dog, husky, loup, wolf, portrait, portraiture, photorealism, commande portrait chien, commande portrait animal

Milie Lairie


Pastello su Carta | 12,6x9,5 in

352,21 USD
Disegno intitolato "Pequeña Dulce" da Walter Ahumada, Opera d'arte originale, Matita
Pequeña Dulce - Disegno, 15,8x11 in ©2021 da Walter Ahumada - Illustration, illustration-600, Cane

Walter Ahumada

"Pequeña Dulce"

Matita su Cartone | 15,8x11 in

353 USD
Stampe disponibili
Disegno intitolato "Joseph" da Lana Krainova, Opera d'arte originale, Pastello
Joseph - Disegno, 11,4x8,3 in ©2021 da Lana Krainova - Illustration, illustration-600, Cane, dog, oikpastel, illustration, sketch, esquisse, fineart, modern, expressionism

Lana Krainova


Pastello su Carta | 11,4x8,3 in

Non in vendita Stampe a partire da 39,43 USD
Disegno intitolato "Друг." da Vahan Shakhramanyan, Opera d'arte originale, Matita
Друг. - Disegno, 7,9x11,8 in ©2023 da Vahan Shakhramanyan - Illustration, illustration-600, Cane, собака, бульдог

Vahan Shakhramanyan


Disegno su Carta | 7,9x11,8 in

Non in vendita
Disegno intitolato "Meditacion Canina.j…" da Trujiz, Opera d'arte originale, Pennarello
Meditacion Canina.jpg - Disegno, 14,2x18,9 in ©2016 da Trujiz - Naive Art, naive-art-948, Cane, perro


"Meditacion Canina.jpg"

Pennarello su Carta | 14,2x18,9 in

Disegno intitolato "dog" da Jora Poshytilo, Opera d'arte originale, Pastello
dog - Disegno, 11,4x8,3 in ©2021 da Jora Poshytilo - Naive Art, naive-art-948, Cane

Jora Poshytilo


Pastello su Carta | 11,4x8,3 in

1.208,73 USD
Stampe disponibili
Disegno intitolato ""Doggy #7"" da Vasyl Kovach, Opera d'arte originale, Carbone
"Doggy #7" - Disegno, 16,5x11,8 in ©2022 da Vasyl Kovach - Cane, Art, Drawing, Dog, Doggy, Charcoal, Vasyl_Kovach

Vasyl Kovach

""Doggy #7""

Carbone su Carta | 16,5x11,8 in

Non in vendita
Disegno intitolato "Mon Meilleur Ami" da Yves Maurice, Opera d'arte originale, Grafite
Mon Meilleur Ami - Disegno, 15x11 in ©2022 da Yves Maurice - Cane

Yves Maurice

"Mon Meilleur Ami"

Grafite su Carta | 15x11 in

291,52 USD
Stampe disponibili
Disegno intitolato "Chihuahua with red…" da Tim Burton, Opera d'arte originale, Acquarello
Chihuahua with red nose - Disegno, 11,5x8,5 in ©2005 da Tim Burton - Illustration, illustration-600, Cane, Tim Burton, dog, drawing, Gothic, gloom

Tim Burton

"Chihuahua with red nose"

Acquarello su Carta | 11,5x8,5 in

Disegno intitolato "Chien de chasse - B…" da Hélène Avot, Opera d'arte originale, Matita
Chien de chasse - Braque - Disegno, 9,8x7,9 in ©2015 da Hélène Avot - Figurative, figurative-594, Cane, Dessin, Chien, Braque, Chien de chasse, Crayon

Hélène Avot

"Chien de chasse - Braque"

Matita su Carta | 9,8x7,9 in

Non in vendita
Disegno intitolato "Amiga" da Walter Ahumada, Opera d'arte originale, Matita
Amiga - Disegno, 16,9x13 in ©2023 da Walter Ahumada - Illustration, illustration-600, Cane

Walter Ahumada


Matita su Cartone | 16,9x13 in

423 USD
Disegno intitolato "L'attente du maître" da Blandine Cavalier, Opera d'arte originale, Matita
L'attente du maître - Disegno, 11,7x8,3 in ©2022 da Blandine Cavalier - Hyperrealism, hyperrealism-612, Cane, chien, quotidien, vie, animal, dessin, crayon, feutre

Blandine Cavalier

"L'attente du maître"

Matita su Carta | 11,7x8,3 in

292,19 USD
Disegno intitolato "Chien" da Estelle Morelli, Opera d'arte originale, Pastello
Chien - Disegno, 16,5x11,7 in ©2020 da Estelle Morelli - Cane, chien, animal

Estelle Morelli


Pastello su Carta | 16,5x11,7 in

Su richiesta
Stampe a partire da 27,76 USD
Disegno intitolato "Hound" da Azathoth, Opera d'arte originale, Matita
Hound - Disegno ©2021 da Azathoth - Illustration, illustration-600, Cane, animal, creature, dog




Non in vendita
Disegno intitolato "Chinese crested dog" da Olga Tsvetkova, Opera d'arte originale, Matita
Chinese crested dog - Disegno, 11,8x8,3 in ©2017 da Olga Tsvetkova - Figurative, figurative-594, Cane, Graphite drawing, Chinese crested dog, Custom dog portrait, Personalised gift, For dog lovers, Realistic drawing, Hairless dog, drawing of Hairless dog, original artwork, commission drawing

Olga Tsvetkova

"Chinese crested dog"

Matita su Carta | 11,8x8,3 in

80,41 USD
Disegno intitolato "Puppies" da By Tata, Opera d'arte originale, Acquarello
Puppies - Disegno, 14,6x9,8 in ©2022 da By Tata - Figurative, figurative-594, Cane, рисунок, акварель, акварельная бумага, акварельный рисунок, украшение, уют, природа, щенки, далматинец, собаки, животные, подарок, подарок маме, подарок папе, подарок бабушке, подарок подруге, подарок девушке

By Tata


Acquarello su Carta | 14,6x9,8 in

221 USD
Disegno intitolato "fabulous dreams" da Irina Kindritska, Opera d'arte originale, Acrilico
fabulous dreams - Disegno, 15,8x23,6 in ©2021 da Irina Kindritska - Figurative, figurative-594, Cane, детство, сны, сон, сказка, цветы, вазон, гранат, dream, childhood, flowers, fairy, story, the fruit, Garnet

Irina Kindritska

"fabulous dreams"

Acrilico su Pannello in MDF | 15,8x23,6 in

927,52 USD
Stampe disponibili
Disegno intitolato ""dude"" da Benny Gutz, Opera d'arte originale, Biro
"dude" - Disegno, 5,9x5,9 in ©2021 da Benny Gutz - Illustration, illustration-600, Cane, dude, dog, rescueddog, street, drawing, ballpoint

Benny Gutz


Biro su Carta | 5,9x5,9 in

1.438,28 USD
Stampe disponibili
Disegno intitolato ""Песик #6"" da Vasyl Kovach, Opera d'arte originale, Carbone
"Песик #6" - Disegno, 16,5x11,8 in ©2022 da Vasyl Kovach - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Cane, Art, Drawing, Charcoal, Dog, Character

Vasyl Kovach

""Песик #6""

Carbone su Carta | 16,5x11,8 in

Non in vendita
Disegno intitolato "Esquimau américain" da Ninon Cobergh, Opera d'arte originale, Pastello
Esquimau américain - Disegno, 15,8x11,8 in ©2024 da Ninon Cobergh - Hyperrealism, hyperrealism-612, Cane, pastel, pastel sec, dessin, chien, belgique, animal, crayon, papier

Ninon Cobergh

"Esquimau américain"

Pastello su Carta | 15,8x11,8 in

617,22 USD
Stampe disponibili
Disegno intitolato "Сorgi dog" da Natalia Bokhanova, Opera d'arte originale, Pastello
Сorgi dog - Disegno, 11,4x8,3 in ©2021 da Natalia Bokhanova - Hyperrealism, hyperrealism-612, Cane, corgi, dog, realism

Natalia Bokhanova

"Сorgi dog"

Pastello su Carta | 11,4x8,3 in

243 USD


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