GOLD OF SUMMER (2019) Pittura da Irina Flowers

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Venditore Irina Flowers

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Opera firmata dall'artista
Certificato di autenticità incluso
Quest'opera d'arte appare in 10 collezioni
Collectible painting. Exclusive Limited Collection. A celebration that is always with you. When I draw flowers on my terrace, bees flock on them. It's amazing! But it's true. And I want to believe that this is happening not only because I use damar varnish, linseed oil, and oil pigments based on natural pigments for their writing. Flower[...]
Collectible painting. Exclusive Limited Collection. A celebration that is always with you. When I draw flowers on my terrace, bees flock on them. It's amazing! But it's true. And I want to believe that this is happening not only because I use damar varnish, linseed oil, and oil pigments based on natural pigments for their writing. Flower arrangements capture you because they are unusually atmospheric. They create mood with their warmth, soft summer light, lightness, brightness, and transparency. They are filled with the aromas of their time. Flowers are almost always good, pleasant memories of fleeting happy moments of our life ... They give joy, peace and comfort even in cold and frosty times. Keep warm, fresh, good emotions in our hearts forever. Fill the soul with peace and love!

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Olio su Tela | 35,4x39,4 in
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Olio su Tela | 43,3x53,2 in
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