PERSEUS - Sculpture by Igor Mitoraj (1986) Escultura por Igor Mitoraj


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Sculpture number: B208/1000 In order to create the work, he used the following techniques: stone and bronze. It is an alloy known from ancient times that gave its name to the entire Bronze Age. The primary constituents of bronze are copper and tin, although other metals are also used. This alloy owes its name to the town of Brundisium[...]
Sculpture number: B208/1000

In order to create the work, he used the following techniques: stone and bronze. It is an alloy known from ancient times that gave its name to the entire Bronze Age. The primary constituents of bronze are copper and tin, although other metals are also used. This alloy owes its name to the town of Brundisium in Italy, which has become the center of bronze production. Casting technique made it tools for farmers and artisans, but it also became popular as an artistic material. As early as in the archaic period in Greece and in ancient Egypt, Persia and Asia Minor, bronze sculptures were obtained using the lost wax method. The "lost wax technique" consists in surrounding the wax sculpture with clay or plaster, removing the wax through high temperature and pouring hot bronze in its place, and then removing the clay or plaster mold. This technique functions in the artistic world to this day, although of course it has been improved. The most famous bronze sculptures were made by Cellini, Donatello, August Rodin, and in Poland by Bolesław Biegas and Wacław Szymanowski.

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MitorajIgor MitorajSculptureLondonNewyork

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Artista representado por PODS GALLERY
Igor Mitoraj (1944-2014) foi um escultor polonês contemporâneo. Ele é considerado um dos escultores poloneses mais reconhecidos internacionalmente e conhecido por suas esculturas[...]

Igor Mitoraj (1944-2014) foi um escultor polonês contemporâneo. Ele é considerado um dos escultores poloneses mais reconhecidos internacionalmente e conhecido por suas esculturas fragmentadas do corpo humano, muitas vezes construídas para instalações públicas de grande escala.

O estilo escultural de Mitoraj foi de inspiração clássica, com forte ênfase no torso bem modelado. Suas obras frequentemente tentam confrontar problemas sobre o corpo humano, sua beleza e fragilidade, sua tristeza, bem como partes mais profundas da natureza humana que se degeneram com o tempo.

Em 2005 Igor Mitoraj recebeu a Medalha de Ouro de Mérito à Cultura - Gloria Artis e em 2012 recebeu a Cruz de Comendador da Ordem da Polonia Restituta.

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Escultura - Bronze | 22,8x10,2 in
US$ 17.591,33
US$ 15.951,86
Escultura - Bronze | 22,8x10,2 in
US$ 22.551,88
US$ 17.100,63
Escultura - Bronze | 11,8x6,7 in
US$ 14.756,41
Escultura - Bronze | 7,1x5,1 in
US$ 12.908,59
US$ 11.542,36


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