ORNITH (2019) Incisioni, stampe da Humancorpse

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Venduto da Humancorpse

Sold to Ornith Metal Band from .... A proposito di quest'opera: Classificazione, tecniche & Stili Fotomontaggio Assemblaggio di fotografie ottenute[...]
Sold to Ornith Metal Band from ....
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Digital image / Illustration concept / Imitation effect.surrealistic illustrations and Collage works for Record cover art, artbooks, merchandise & brochures, etc.Based in Jambi, Indonesia Email[...]

Digital image / Illustration concept / Imitation effect.surrealistic illustrations and Collage works for Record cover art, artbooks, merchandise & brochures, etc.Based in Jambi, Indonesia
Email me or text me for commission work;humancorpse92 [a] gmail [dot] com
You can also view my work portfolio to see all the final results from my past works on Instagram: humancorpse92

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Incisioni, stampe su Carta
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Arte digitale
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Incisioni, stampe su Carta
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Incisioni, stampe su Cartone
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