Stampe digitali stampe in vendita

2.785 Vendita di stampe e incisioni originali: Stai cercando[...]

2.785 Vendita di stampe e incisioni originali:

Stai cercando Stampe originali in vendita ?

Esplora tutti gli stili e le tecniche di incisione artistica: arte contemporanea, street-art, arte astratta, arte figurativa, stampe, litografie... Artmajeur si rivolge a tutte le sensibilità artistiche e celebra la bellezza al tuo fianco da 20 anni con più di 2 milioni di opere contemporanee di arte da scoprire... o da acquisire! Il punto di riferimento mondiale per le stampe contemporanee. Scopri le opere di artisti contemporanei di tutto il mondo per arredare i tuoi interni con classe! Semplice amante dell'arte o collezionista confermato? Trova la tela o il dipinto preferito che migliorerà davvero la tua decorazione. Artmajeur ti offre opere originali, edizioni limitate e stampe d'arte dei migliori artisti contemporanei del mondo. Su Artmajeur, le opere di incisione sono selezionate da appassionati ed esperti del mercato dell'arte. Selezioniamo per te le opere originali di artisti di tendenza, premiati e riconosciuti, nonché i nuovi valori emergenti nel campo dell'arte contemporanea per guidarti e aiutarti nel tuo processo di acquisto di stampe d'arte online.

Discover contemporary Digital Print Printmaking on Artmajeur

Digital print printmaking is a contemporary form of printmaking that has become increasingly popular in recent years. This process involves using a computer to create an image that is then printed onto a variety of supports, such as paper, canvas, or metal.

Incisioni, stampe,  15,6x19,7 in
Flying Jackalope, Print on canvas 50 cm. Incisioni, stampe, 15,6x19,7 in
©2024 Irena Aizen

Origins and History

The evolution of Digital Print Printmaking can be traced back to the 1960s, when the first computer printers were invented. However, it wasn’t until the 1990s that digital printing technology became widely accessible to artists.

Incisioni, stampe,  19,7x15,2 in
Owl-fancier, Print on canvas 50 cm. Incisioni, stampe, 19,7x15,2 in
©2024 Irena Aizen

Evolutions of theses works in the contemporary art market

Contemporary Digital Print Printmaking has undergone a remarkable evolution in recent years, with artists pushing the boundaries of the medium to create stunning, high-quality works that are gaining recognition in the contemporary art market. With the advent of new technologies, artists are now able to produce prints that are more complex, detailed and vibrant than ever before. This has opened up a whole new world of possibilities for artists, allowing them to experiment with new techniques and materials in ways that were previously impossible. The importance of these developments cannot be overstated, as they are helping to redefine what is possible in the world of printmaking, and are providing a new platform for artists to showcase their work to a wider audience. As a result, contemporary digital print printmaking is becoming increasingly popular among collectors and art enthusiasts alike, and is likely to continue to grow in importance in the years to come.

Incisioni, stampe,  55x40 in
Lewy From Pittsburgh Incisioni, stampe, 55x40 in
©2020 Lewis R Freitag I I I

Related Famous Artists

Contemporary artists who have gained recognition for their work in digital printmaking are pioneers in the field of modern art. One such artist is Wangechi Mutu, whose collages and prints explore themes of identity, gender, and race. Her work often incorporates elements of African culture and mythology, with a focus on the female form. Another artist, Julie Mehretu, creates intricate prints using layered lines and shapes that reference maps and architectural plans. Her work is a commentary on the complexities of globalization and the impact of urbanization on society.

Trevor Paglen is known for his digital prints that capture the hidden world of surveillance and data collection. His work exposes the often-invisible systems that govern our lives and raises important questions about privacy and power. On the other hand, Katherine Bernhardt’s prints are colorful and playful, often featuring pop culture references and bold, graphic patterns. Her work is a celebration of consumer culture and the ways in which we are influenced by the products and images that surround us.

Finally, Yayoi Kusama is a well-known artist who has embraced digital printmaking as a way to explore her signature psychedelic style. Her prints are vibrant and whimsical, with a focus on repetition and pattern that creates a sense of infinity. Each of these artists brings a unique perspective to the world of digital printmaking, pushing the boundaries of what is possible with this medium and reminding us of the power of art to shape the way we see the world.

Incisioni, stampe,  40x55 in
Tequila Incisioni, stampe, 40x55 in
©2024 Lewis R Freitag I I I

Notable contemporary Digital Print Printmaking

Contemporary Digital Print Printmaking is a medium that has gained immense popularity in the modern art world. Artists are able to create pieces with a level of precision and detail that was once impossible. Here are some well-known contemporary Digital Print Printmaking artworks and their descriptions:

  • "Untitled" by Cindy Sherman, 2016: This artwork is a self-portrait of the artist, Cindy Sherman, dressed in a futuristic outfit. The print is full of vibrant colors and intricate details, making it a stunning example of contemporary Digital Print Printmaking.

  • "Untitled (Cowboy)" by Richard Prince, 2017: This piece is a print of a photograph taken by Richard Prince of a cowboy on a horse. The print has a dreamlike quality to it, with the cowboy and horse appearing almost ghostly against a muted background.

  • "The Last Supper" by Vik Muniz, 2010: This artwork is a recreation of Leonardo da Vinci’s famous painting, "The Last Supper," using chocolate syrup. Muniz photographed the syrup and turned the image into a digital print, creating a unique and striking version of the iconic painting.

  • "A Thousand Kisses Deep" by Damien Hirst, 2011: This print features a skull covered in intricate designs and patterns. The use of bright colors and detailed lines creates a mesmerizing effect, drawing the viewer in to examine the piece more closely.

  • "The Scream" by Shepard Fairey, 2017: This print is a modern take on Edvard Munch’s famous painting, "The Scream." Fairey has added his own signature style to the piece, incorporating bold colors and graphic elements to create a powerful and thought-provoking artwork.

Più rilevanti | I più recenti

Incisioni, stampe intitolato "Flying Jackalope, P…" da Irena Aizen, Opera d'arte originale, Stampa digitale Montato su Telai…
Flying Jackalope, Print on canvas 50 cm. - Incisioni, stampe, 15,6x19,7 in ©2024 da Irena Aizen - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Animale, allegorical, animalism, buy print online, colorful, figurative, landscape, reproduction, symbolism, אירנה אייזן, הדפס, לקנות הדפס באינטרנט, מהדורה מוגבלת

Irena Aizen

"Flying Jackalope, Print on canvas 50 cm."

Incisioni, stampe su Tela | 15,6x19,7 in

Su richiesta
Incisioni, stampe intitolato "Tequila" da Lewis R Freitag I I I, Opera d'arte originale, Stampa digitale Montato su Telaio p…
Tequila - Incisioni, stampe, 40x55 in ©2024 da Lewis R Freitag I I I - Minimalism, minimalism-606, Colorato, Miami Beach Downtown, white buildings, umbrellas

Lewis R Freitag I I I


Incisioni, stampe su Tela | 40x55 in

10.858 USD
Stampe disponibili
Incisioni, stampe intitolato "Constellations" da Marly Indigo, Opera d'arte originale, Stampa digitale
Constellations - Incisioni, stampe, 15,8x11,8 in ©2023 da Marly Indigo - Figurative, figurative-594, Spiritualità, spirit, spiritual, goddess, gidiva, feminin, itimacy, beauty

Marly Indigo


Incisioni, stampe su Carta | 15,8x11,8 in

252,55 USD
Incisioni, stampe intitolato "MONNA FUCK" da Gianluca Ferreri, Opera d'arte originale, Stampa digitale
MONNA FUCK - Incisioni, stampe, 19,7x17,7 in ©2023 da Gianluca Ferreri -

Gianluca Ferreri


Incisioni, stampe su Carta | 19,7x17,7 in

283,13 USD
Incisioni, stampe intitolato "Ophelia Doll" da Suima, Opera d'arte originale, Stampa digitale
Ophelia Doll - Incisioni, stampe, 15,8x15,8 in ©2024 da Suima - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Astratta


"Ophelia Doll"

Incisioni, stampe su Carta | 15,8x15,8 in

431 USD
Incisioni, stampe intitolato "Objectivation - ice…" da Tato, Opera d'arte originale, Stampa digitale
Objectivation - ice stalactite 1 - Incisioni, stampe, 11x16,5 in ©2023 da Tato - Geometric, geometric-572, Geometrico


"Objectivation - ice stalactite 1"

Incisioni, stampe su Carta | 11x16,5 in

374,86 USD
Incisioni, stampe intitolato "Objectivation - jus…" da Tato, Opera d'arte originale, Stampa digitale
Objectivation - just marble VI - Incisioni, stampe, 16,1x21,3 in ©2023 da Tato - Geometric, geometric-572, Geometrico


"Objectivation - just marble VI"

Incisioni, stampe su Carta | 16,1x21,3 in

488,11 USD
Incisioni, stampe intitolato "She has Two Beautif…" da Suima, Opera d'arte originale, Stampa digitale
She has Two Beautiful Right Hands - Incisioni, stampe, 15,8x15,8 in ©2024 da Suima - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Astratta


"She has Two Beautiful Right Hands"

Incisioni, stampe su Carta | 15,8x15,8 in

431 USD
Incisioni, stampe intitolato "Ulysses III" da Jaime Caba, Opera d'arte originale, Stampa digitale
Ulysses III - Incisioni, stampe, 19,7x19,7 in ©2023 da Jaime Caba - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Astratta

Jaime Caba

"Ulysses III"

Incisioni, stampe su Carta | 19,7x19,7 in

795 USD
Incisioni, stampe intitolato "Night Light Lagoon" da Lewis R Freitag I I I, Opera d'arte originale, Stampa digitale Montato…
Night Light Lagoon - Incisioni, stampe, 40x55 in ©2024 da Lewis R Freitag I I I - Minimalism, minimalism-606, Paesaggio, palm trees, night lights, miami nights, lagoon reflections

Lewis R Freitag I I I

"Night Light Lagoon"

Incisioni, stampe su Tela | 40x55 in

13.901 USD
Stampe disponibili
Incisioni, stampe intitolato "Objectivation - lav…" da Tato, Opera d'arte originale, Stampa digitale
Objectivation - lava garden 2 - Incisioni, stampe, 11x16,5 in ©2023 da Tato - Figurative, figurative-594, Natura


"Objectivation - lava garden 2"

Incisioni, stampe su Carta | 11x16,5 in

374,86 USD
Incisioni, stampe intitolato "Fetish 093" da Richard G. Ramsdell, Opera d'arte originale, Stampa digitale
Fetish 093 - Incisioni, stampe, 11x17 in ©2020 da Richard G. Ramsdell - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Storia, photography, daguerreotype, fetish, desire

Richard G. Ramsdell

"Fetish 093"

Incisioni, stampe su Carta | 11x17 in

399 USD
Incisioni, stampe intitolato "Owl-fancier, Print…" da Irena Aizen, Opera d'arte originale, Stampa digitale Montato su Telaio…
Owl-fancier, Print on canvas 50 cm. - Incisioni, stampe, 19,7x15,2 in ©2024 da Irena Aizen - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Uccello, allegorical, animalism, buy print online, colorful, figurative, humor, landscape, nightfall, reproduction, romantic, symbolism, אירנה אייזן, לקנות הדפס באינטרנט, מהדורה מוגבלת

Irena Aizen

"Owl-fancier, Print on canvas 50 cm."

Incisioni, stampe su Tela | 19,7x15,2 in

Su richiesta
Incisioni, stampe intitolato "Lilacs bloomed, Pri…" da Irena Aizen, Opera d'arte originale, Stampa digitale Montato su Telai…
Lilacs bloomed, Print on canvas 50 cm. - Incisioni, stampe, 19,7x16,5 in ©2024 da Irena Aizen - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Amore, allegorical, animalism, buy print online, colorful, figurative, humor, reproduction, romantic, symbolism, אירנה אייזן, לקנות הדפס באינטרנט, מהדורה מוגבלת

Irena Aizen

"Lilacs bloomed, Print on canvas 50 cm."

Incisioni, stampe su Tela | 19,7x16,5 in

Su richiesta
Incisioni, stampe intitolato "Tribalinium" da Marly Indigo, Opera d'arte originale, Stampa digitale
Tribalinium - Incisioni, stampe, 15,8x11,8 in ©2023 da Marly Indigo - Figurative, figurative-594, Ritratto, feminin, paganism, godess, tribe, tribal, witch, witchs, sorcier, devine feminin

Marly Indigo


Incisioni, stampe su Carta | 15,8x11,8 in

252,55 USD
Incisioni, stampe intitolato "Blue Lagoon Nights" da Lewis R Freitag I I I, Opera d'arte originale, Stampa digitale Montato…
Blue Lagoon Nights - Incisioni, stampe, 40x55 in ©2024 da Lewis R Freitag I I I - Minimalism, minimalism-606, Campagna, miami, mirror in water, reflections at night, minimalism

Lewis R Freitag I I I

"Blue Lagoon Nights"

Incisioni, stampe su Tela | 40x55 in

10.858 USD
Stampe disponibili
Incisioni, stampe intitolato "ROCK BLUE" da Gianluca Ferreri, Opera d'arte originale, Stampa digitale
ROCK BLUE - Incisioni, stampe, 13,8x21,7 in ©2024 da Gianluca Ferreri -

Gianluca Ferreri


Incisioni, stampe su Carta | 13,8x21,7 in

283,13 USD
Incisioni, stampe intitolato "Objectivation - jus…" da Tato, Opera d'arte originale, Stampa digitale
Objectivation - just marble I - Incisioni, stampe, 21,3x16,1 in ©2023 da Tato - Geometric, geometric-572, Geometrico


"Objectivation - just marble I"

Incisioni, stampe su Carta | 21,3x16,1 in

488,11 USD
Incisioni, stampe intitolato "State of Mind-3, Pr…" da Irena Aizen, Opera d'arte originale, Stampa digitale Montato su Telai…
State of Mind-3, Print on canvas 50 cm. - Incisioni, stampe, 19,7x15,6 in ©2024 da Irena Aizen - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Animale, allegorical, animalism, buy print online, colorful, figurative, reproduction, symbolism, אירנה אייזן, הדפס, לקנות הדפס באינטרנט, מהדורה מוגבלת

Irena Aizen

"State of Mind-3, Print on canvas 50 cm."

Incisioni, stampe su Tela | 19,7x15,6 in

Su richiesta
Incisioni, stampe intitolato "Ablation VI" da Marly Indigo, Opera d'arte originale, Stampa digitale
Ablation VI - Incisioni, stampe, 11,7x8,3 in ©2023 da Marly Indigo - Figurative, figurative-594, Nudo, woman, femiunin, feminin, goddess, cancer, ablation, breasts, divinity, resilience

Marly Indigo

"Ablation VI"

Incisioni, stampe su Carta | 11,7x8,3 in

252,55 USD
Incisioni, stampe intitolato "Objectivation - lav…" da Tato, Opera d'arte originale, Stampa digitale
Objectivation - lava garden 5 - Incisioni, stampe, 20,1x20,1 in ©2023 da Tato - Figurative, figurative-594, Natura


"Objectivation - lava garden 5"

Incisioni, stampe su Carta | 20,1x20,1 in

488,11 USD
Incisioni, stampe intitolato "Objectivation - cit…" da Tato, Opera d'arte originale, Stampa digitale
Objectivation - citroen truck - Incisioni, stampe, 33,1x22,1 in ©2023 da Tato - Geometric, geometric-572, Geometrico


"Objectivation - citroen truck"

Incisioni, stampe su Carta | 33,1x22,1 in

488,11 USD
Incisioni, stampe intitolato "Objectivation - lav…" da Tato, Opera d'arte originale, Stampa digitale
Objectivation - lava garden 4 - Incisioni, stampe, 20,5x30,7 in ©2023 da Tato - Figurative, figurative-594, Natura


"Objectivation - lava garden 4"

Incisioni, stampe su Carta | 20,5x30,7 in

544,74 USD
Incisioni, stampe intitolato "Objectivation - bla…" da Tato, Opera d'arte originale, Stampa digitale
Objectivation - black cat cafe - Incisioni, stampe, 24,8x16,5 in ©2023 da Tato - Figurative, figurative-594, Gatto


"Objectivation - black cat cafe"

Incisioni, stampe su Carta | 24,8x16,5 in

374,86 USD
Incisioni, stampe intitolato "Lewy From Pittsburgh" da Lewis R Freitag I I I, Opera d'arte originale, Stampa digitale Montat…
Lewy From Pittsburgh - Incisioni, stampe, 55x40 in ©2020 da Lewis R Freitag I I I - Minimalism, minimalism-606, Vita di ogni giorno, robot sitting, pittsburgh robot, donations

Lewis R Freitag I I I

"Lewy From Pittsburgh"

Incisioni, stampe su Tela | 55x40 in

13.902 USD
Stampe disponibili
Incisioni, stampe intitolato "Pyramid with Mole,…" da Irena Aizen, Opera d'arte originale, Stampa digitale Montato su Telaio…
Pyramid with Mole, Print on canvas 50 cm. - Incisioni, stampe, 19,7x11,4 in ©2024 da Irena Aizen - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Uccello

Irena Aizen

"Pyramid with Mole, Print on canvas 50 cm."

Incisioni, stampe su Tela | 19,7x11,4 in

Su richiesta
Incisioni, stampe intitolato "Norwegian Watson Is…" da Lewis R Freitag I I I, Opera d'arte originale, Stampa digitale Montat…
Norwegian Watson Island - Incisioni, stampe, 40x60 in ©2024 da Lewis R Freitag I I I - Minimalism, minimalism-606, Geometrico, norwegian, watson island, boat on ocean, minimalism

Lewis R Freitag I I I

"Norwegian Watson Island"

Incisioni, stampe su Tela | 40x60 in

10.896 USD
Stampe disponibili
Incisioni, stampe intitolato "Variables" da Marly Indigo, Opera d'arte originale, Stampa digitale
Variables - Incisioni, stampe, 15,8x11,8 in ©2024 da Marly Indigo - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Ritratto, feminin, dynamics, light, variables, beauty, woman, desire

Marly Indigo


Incisioni, stampe su Carta | 15,8x11,8 in

252,55 USD
Incisioni, stampe intitolato "Self Dissolution" da Marly Indigo, Opera d'arte originale, Stampa digitale Montato su Telaio p…
Self Dissolution - Incisioni, stampe, 11,8x11,8 in ©2024 da Marly Indigo - Figurative, figurative-594, Nudi femminili, voyeur, voyeurism, nude, erotic, window view, getting dressed, dressing, private, intimacy, exposition

Marly Indigo

"Self Dissolution"

Incisioni, stampe su Tela | 11,8x11,8 in

259,34 USD
Stampe disponibili
Incisioni, stampe intitolato "Objectivation - jus…" da Tato, Opera d'arte originale, Stampa digitale
Objectivation - just marble III - Incisioni, stampe, 21,3x16,1 in ©2023 da Tato - Geometric, geometric-572, Geometrico


"Objectivation - just marble III"

Incisioni, stampe su Carta | 21,3x16,1 in

488,11 USD
Incisioni, stampe intitolato "Le gardien des reli…" da Lionel Morateur, Opera d'arte originale, Stampa digitale
Le gardien des reliques de Haut-Chateau - Incisioni, stampe, 15,8x11,8 in ©2024 da Lionel Morateur - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Dark Fantasy, noir et blanc, monstre, dark fantasy

Lionel Morateur

"Le gardien des reliques de Haut-Chateau"

Incisioni, stampe su Carta | 15,8x11,8 in

283,13 USD
Incisioni, stampe intitolato "Blooming Aura" da Olya Enina, Opera d'arte originale, Stampa digitale Montato su Telaio per ba…
Blooming Aura - Incisioni, stampe, 19,7x19,7 in ©2024 da Olya Enina - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Ritratto, Portrait of a woman, Ready to hang giclee print, High-quality giclée print, Digital painting, Geometrical abstract painting, Flowers composition, Floral pattern, Woman portrait, Gentle painting

Olya Enina

"Blooming Aura"

Incisioni, stampe su Tela | 19,7x19,7 in

657,99 USD
Stampe disponibili
Incisioni, stampe intitolato "Objectivation - bou…" da Tato, Opera d'arte originale, Stampa digitale
Objectivation - bouche d'aeration - Incisioni, stampe, 14,2x18,9 in ©2023 da Tato - Geometric, geometric-572, Geometrico


"Objectivation - bouche d'aeration"

Incisioni, stampe su Carta | 14,2x18,9 in

374,86 USD
Incisioni, stampe intitolato "Imperfect People in…" da Suima, Opera d'arte originale, Stampa digitale
Imperfect People in an Unfinished Painting - Incisioni, stampe, 15,8x15,8 in ©2024 da Suima - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Astratta


"Imperfect People in an Unfinished Painting"

Incisioni, stampe su Carta | 15,8x15,8 in

431 USD
Incisioni, stampe intitolato "Palais royal de Hau…" da Lionel Morateur, Opera d'arte originale, Stampa digitale
Palais royal de Haut-Chateau - Incisioni, stampe, 15,8x11,8 in ©2024 da Lionel Morateur - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Dark Fantasy, palais, bougies, gothiques, eau, vitraux, art singulier, surrealisme, outsider art

Lionel Morateur

"Palais royal de Haut-Chateau"

Incisioni, stampe su Carta | 15,8x11,8 in

283,13 USD
Incisioni, stampe intitolato "Texture of Time, Ca…" da Quin De La Mer, Opera d'arte originale, Stampa digitale
Texture of Time, Carbon, LE Print - Incisioni, stampe, 26,6x40 in ©2022 da Quin De La Mer -

Quin De La Mer

"Texture of Time, Carbon, LE Print"

Incisioni, stampe su Carta | 26,6x40 in

1.313 USD


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