Seascape No.7 Windy evening on Hawaii (2021) Pittura da Helga G

Carta per belle arti, 8x11 in

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33,49 USD
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Banca d'immagine d'arte
Ocean never sleeps. And it’s always windy on the islands. I like palms bending down from the wind and waves changing shadows of the water on the shallows. A proposito di quest'opera: Classificazione, tecniche & Stili
Ocean never sleeps. And it’s always windy on the islands. I like palms bending down from the wind and waves changing shadows of the water on the shallows.

Temi correlati


Tradotto automaticamente
I still remember impression of my early childhood. This special feeling of volumable paints on springing canvas under my fingers. With closed eyes I tried to imagine what was painted there. I knew all paintings[...]

I still remember impression of my early childhood. This special feeling of volumable paints on springing canvas under my fingers. With closed eyes I tried to imagine what was painted there. I knew all paintings of my grandfather (he was a painter) by memory. It was my first inspiration and big motivation for painting.

Now, when children come to my studio, first thing they do – they touch my artworks, explaing “I can feel it!”

Sometimes I have inspiration just for minimalistic sketches or graphic in pencil or coal on craft paper, sometimes for fast watercolour landscapes or flowers. But, of course, oil and canvas I like most of all.

During my life I lived in many places near the seas – Mediterranean, Red, Black, Baltic, Persian Gulf, Atlantic ocean. So the sea, the sky and the sun are my favourites to paint.

For me painting is a way of communication and creating the emotions and the atmosphere of living space. Every time I try to imagine my artworks in different interiors and different houses. At last all of us paint to share emotions and to make living spaces unique and cosy.

I’m happy that my artworks have already found their new homes in Russia, Spain, Germany and United States, and my customers are happy with them.

I hope you will find here something interesting for your house, too.

Thank you for visiting my gallery. 

Best regards, Helga

Vedere più a proposito di Helga G

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