Gerrero Изображение профиля


Nice, Франция
Художник (Картина)
Родился в 1982
A deeply respecting traditions and interested in contemporary art painter. The Byzantine tradition of painting which I studied deeply for several years, had a huge impact on my art. Keeping quite a re

Born in 1982. Currently living and working in PACA, France.


1993-1998 The School of Fine Arts.

2006-2008 The School of Byzantium art.

2013-2015 The Faculty of conservation and restoration of tempera painting.

Since childhood the biggest values for me were harmony and beauty. I remember myself always playing the piano, drawing or admiring nice details of nature. For example - a rainbow effect of gasoline in a dirty puddle seemed so amazing :). 

In my first School of Fine Arts I studied classical paintings and drawings as well as taking the first steps in abstract art.  One of my favorite exercises was suprematism composition. 

Later I worked many years in the field of marketing communications, but I could not stop the endless search for beauty and art. I admired Gothic and Renaissance. Looking for the origins I got into the School of Byzantium art where I found an eternal source of pure inspiration.

Later I deepened my education in this topic at the faculty of conservation and restoration of tempera paintings. I had a great practice in museums with antique icons. 

The monuments of world culture are an endless source of my inspiration. In my work I adhere to the idea of preserving and developing traditions. I deeply respect the entire path of development that art has gone through over many centuries and appreciate the accumulated experience. I like to play with contrasts. Therefore, every time I use old techniques, I dilute them with modern stories and mixed techniques that connect tradition and modernity and help me solve my tasks.

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Рейтинг артиста, Биография, Мастерская художника:

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