Les escaliers vers le ciel (2018) Design por Faber Artisan


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US$ 33,49
Usage: Licença da Web
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  1104 px  

1500 px
Dimensões do arquivo (px) 1104x1500
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Banco de imagens de arte
  • Obras de arte originais Design, Luminaria em Madeira
  • Dimensões Altura 10,4in, Largura 7,1in
  • Categorias Ilustração Música
A fresh look at the usual order of things. Or, how to make new of something that has been seen a thousands of times. Or, do simply that it can not be simpler but yet intriguing. That's it. Sobre esta obra: Classificação, Técnicas & Estilos[...]
A fresh look at the usual order of things. Or, how to make new of something that has been seen a thousands of times. Or, do simply that it can not be simpler but yet intriguing. That's it.

Temas relacionados

WoodenApplied ArtChandelierCandle Holder

Traduzido automaticamente
Why Faber Artisan?  Why homo faber, the man who creates, in the 21st century, when everything is allready created? Probably not because of earnings, there are countless easier, simpler and more lucrative[...]

Why Faber Artisan? 

Why homo faber, the man who creates, in the 21st century, when everything is allready created? Probably not because of earnings, there are countless easier, simpler and more lucrative ways to earn a bread, and this one is certainly not among those which make big money (you'll become a millionaire in it if you start as a billionaire). Then, certainly not to leave a trace, because almost everyone except masterpieces, and they are not necessarily spared, will be lost and disappear in the years ahead. 

But on the contrary, certainly because with the creation that is at hand, which is not a necessity, we set up the new limits of our own freedom, exclusively our own, in which we then comfortably and humanely understand the people around us, relationships and systems that form the reasons why both others are no better, but they so very might be. 

For the same reason pieces I make have a purpose, they are useful but I use the purpose as an alibi for (hopefully) artistic design. And because of a million reasons, I make only uniques. The main - each piece of wood is more unique than a human fingerprint or a sample of a cornea, and it pulls towards some self-given form. 

Ver mais de Faber Artisan

Ver todas as obras
Design | 7,1x10,2 in
US$ 242,51
Design | 14,4x10,4 in
US$ 208,35
Design | 9,1x7,5 in
US$ 367,74
Design | 8,3x12,6 in
US$ 413,28


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