Architectural capriccio or On the way to the opera (2020) Pintura por Andrei Kokarev

Acrílico en Papel, 16,5x23,2 in
2.647,36 US$
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Papel de bellas artes, 8x11 in
Trabajo único
Obra de arte firmada por el artista
Certificado de autenticidad incluido
The rectangle of paper, dissected by energetic strokes that are close in tone and color, shows us an expressive landscape . Partly fictional, partly referring to the painting of the 17th century Mannerist works of Manyasco or Guardi . This is a fictional landscape - " On the way to the opera ". It conveys the mood of a traveler moving on[...]
The rectangle of paper, dissected by energetic strokes that are close in tone and color, shows us an expressive landscape . Partly fictional, partly referring to the painting of the 17th century Mannerist works of Manyasco or Guardi . This is a fictional landscape - " On the way to the opera ". It conveys the mood of a traveler moving on foot or in a carriage through a wonderful city and anticipating a meeting with a beautiful opera . The mood of moving music is already felt in this landscape . The music is already playing ...

Temas relacionados

PaintingFine Art PaintingAcrylic PaintingAcrylicAbstract

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My name is Andrey. Was born in 1969. I live and work in Voronezh, Russia . I started drawing since childhood . My father was an architect and an excellent master of watercolors . In many ways , he gave me an[...]

My name is Andrey. Was born in 1969. I live and work in Voronezh, Russia . I started drawing since childhood . My father was an architect and an excellent master of watercolors . In many ways , he gave me an interest in visual culture . At first I studied drawing at a special art school (4 years )  .Then he graduated from the Voronezh Art College (4 years ) . Later he completed private restoration training at the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg. Since 1998, I have been working as a restorer of easel tempera paintings. I teach restoration at a theological school. At the same time, I am a passionate artist.
I have collaborated with galleries, I have exhibited and sold my works. My artistic preferences were formed in a long-standing and great love for the art of the old masters. Much of my inspiration as a source lies in old European art. This is partly due to the necessity to know the old painting techniques utilized by me in the restoration.
I love old European art. I rely on it in many ways . But today we feel the need, having a graft of classics, to think through the eyes of today. To see the world taking into account all the rich cultural and artistic experience, but still through the eyes of a modern person. Thus some of thr works you see have open quotations to the classic art. There is also a lot of searching for the plastic beauty of today's new eyes, already tainted by modern and postmodern. In my works, I am busy searching for my beauty. Inspired by the beauty of the world so exciting and vibrant.

Ver más de Andrei Kokarev

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