" Life from the vine " (2019) Escultura por Scott Wilkes


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Vendedor Scott Wilkes

  • Obra de arte original (One Of A Kind) Escultura, Metales
  • Dimensiones Altura 42in, Anchura 21in / 14.00 lb
  • apto para exteriores? No, Esta obra de arte no se puede exhibir al aire libre.
  • Categorías Esculturas menos de 5.000 US$ Arte Conceptual
Life from the vine Steel sculpture by Scott Wilkes. She stands 42 inches tall x 21 inches wide x 12 inches deep and weighs 31 pounds. She is mounted on a plate so she can stand with grace and is sealed so she won’t rust unless damaged. To me the artist : She is an exploration of shape and pattern. Recently I was out for[...]
Life from the vine

Steel sculpture by Scott Wilkes. She stands 42 inches tall x 21 inches wide x 12 inches deep and weighs 31 pounds. She is mounted on a plate so she can stand with grace and is sealed so she won’t rust unless damaged.

To me the artist : She is an exploration of shape and pattern. Recently I was out for a walk and came upon a tree wrapped in vines and I could see a woman’s form within the intertwined branches. I see things all the time in nature that remind me of other things. Clouds can become faces or airplanes and vines can become a woman. I truly enjoy finding a way to mesh two patterns together to create something new.

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Scott Wilkes es un escultor estadounidense contemporáneo. Wilkes trabaja con metal y su objetivo es tomar un medio que, en muchos sentidos, suele considerarse frío, duro, rígido[...]

Scott Wilkes es un escultor estadounidense contemporáneo. Wilkes trabaja con metal y su objetivo es tomar un medio que, en muchos sentidos, suele considerarse frío, duro, rígido y áspero y crear algo que transmita suavidad, calidez, movimiento y fluidez. El tema principal de sus esculturas es la forma femenina.

Ver más de Scott Wilkes

Ver todas las obras
Escultura - Metales | 35x21 in
5.362 US$
Escultura - Metales | 28x18 in
3.624 US$
Escultura - Metales | 32x18,5 in
5.262 US$
Escultura - Metales | 74x30 in
13.577 US$


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