Objetos en composiciòn jeometrizada (1997) Pintura por Gustavo Lòpez-Cobo

Vendedor Gustavo Lòpez-Cobo

Certificado de autenticidad incluido
  • Obra de arte original Pintura,
  • Dimensiones Altura 23,6in, Anchura 21,7in
Oleo sobre lienzo Acerca de esta obra de arte: Clasificación, Técnicas & Estilos Técnica Pintura La pintura es una forma[...]
Oleo sobre lienzo
Gustavo Lopez-Cobo Zurita, studied law at the Complutense University and theology at the faculty of San Damaso from Madrid. Master of Business Informatics. Fond of painting since childhood: studies, training[...]

Gustavo Lopez-Cobo Zurita, studied law at the Complutense University and theology at the faculty of San Damaso from Madrid. Master of Business Informatics. Fond of painting since childhood: studies, training and practice for 5 years, Studio Artist Paint VILLALAR of the capital. Author of works for the Boardroom and Address of Caritas House professed of the Society of Jesus, Estudio Jurídico Serrano International, etc.. in Madrid. My modality is wide: abstract, realism, surrealism, copies, etc. ..

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Pintura | 15,8x15,8 in
Bajo pedido
Pintura | 25,6x19,7 in
Bajo pedido
Pintura | 10,6x8,7 in
Bajo pedido
Pintura | 21,7x25,6 in
Bajo pedido


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