Inner World - COSMOS (2020) Pintura por Elena Averina

Acrílico en Lienzo, 15,8x11,8 in
1.639 US$
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Papel de bellas artes, 11x8 in
Trabajo único
Obra de arte firmada por el artista
Certificado de autenticidad incluido
Montado en Bastidor de camilla de madera
Esta obra aparece en las colecciones 2
“Inner World - COSMOS” original picture black is with a little girl and magic balls in space out bright sparkles. Collection " Energy paintings. Spiritual art" Original painting by Elena Averina. Size: 30 x 40 x 2 cm Materials: Canvas, acrylic, dry pigments, glitter, protective varnish Description and[...]
“Inner World - COSMOS” original picture black is with a little girl and magic balls in space out bright sparkles.
Collection " Energy paintings. Spiritual art"
Original painting by Elena Averina.
Size: 30 x 40 x 2 cm
Materials: Canvas, acrylic, dry pigments, glitter, protective varnish

Description and concept
This picture is about how big and immense the inner world of a person is, how many possibilities we have, and it depends only on our personal choice in which direction the events of our life will develop.
The composition of the picture is built on the principle of the golden ratio.
Symbolism: The picture depicts a little girl with golden hair, who acts as the image of our "inner child", which manifests itself in true desires, the ability to dream, to look into the future with clean eyes full of hope.
The girlie extends her left hand to a luminous ball, inside of which a magic castle is visible - this is a sign of subconscious choice that we make on the way to our dream.
Such a ball is not one, a spiral of DNA is formed from many such balls, in which the memory of generations is stored, as well as knowledge and experience recorded at the genetic level. This is a juxtaposition of the macrocosm and the microworld, kosmos, and the inner world of man.
Also in this picture, it is said about how each person is unique and not repeatable, and that everyone has his own inner world and this is the whole UNIVERSE.
The energy of this work helps to expand consciousness and plunge into the subconscious level.

The picture is painted on canvas (cotton), stretched on a wooden stretcher, the edges are painted, so does not need to create a frame or baguette.
This work has a smooth texture and is abundantly covered with holographic sparkles that sparkle and shimmer in both sunlight and artificial light. The painting is covered with a good layer of protective varnish.
This amazing picture with rainbow tints will be a unique addition to your interior, and also suitable for a children's room.
This work of art is sold with a subframe and suspension, so you just have to hang it on the wall.
The painting is named and signed on the back, and a certificate of authenticity is attached.
How to keep: wipe with a dry cloth, protect from prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.
All works are sent carefully packed in protective packaging.
Together with the picture, a certificate of authenticity of a work of art with the signature of the artist is sent.

If you still have any questions about the original picture or the size of the printed version, be sure to write to me, do not hesitate to contact me in the message. I will be happy to help you!

Temas relacionados

Little GirlGlitterSoap BubblesDna SpiralSpace

Traducido automáticamente
Helena Averina es artista y fotógrafa profesional. A través de su arte, intenta mostrar la belleza del mundo interior, una atmósfera única de sentimientos y emociones, y una fuente de energía extra. [...]

Helena Averina es artista y fotógrafa profesional. A través de su arte, intenta mostrar la belleza del mundo interior, una atmósfera única de sentimientos y emociones, y una fuente de energía extra.

Hace muchos tipos diferentes de arte, como realismo, simbolismo, surrealismo, fantasía, arte espiritual, etc. Además, utiliza técnicas de diseño y combina diferentes materiales para que las cosas se vean bien también (pinturas, barnices, yeso, epoxi, pigmentos varios y masillas). Cuando hace arte, le gusta usar piedras naturales porque le dan a la imagen un aspecto único y dan ganas de mirarla durante mucho tiempo. Las piedras también tienen propiedades especiales que ayudan a mejorar las vibraciones que provienen de la imagen.

Helena Averina vive y trabaja en San Petersburgo, va a la escuela y trabaja allí (Rusia). Como alguien que asistió a la escuela de servicio y diseño, ahora se graduó. Ha estado en muchas exposiciones individuales y colectivas.

Ver más de Elena Averina

Ver todas las obras
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