Some Place, Somewhere (2018) Pintura por David O'Halloran

Oleo en Lienzo, 17,7x23,6 in
666,12 US$
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Se aceptan devoluciones 14 días Artmajeur está 100% comprometido con la satisfacción de los coleccionistas: tiene 14 días para devolver un trabajo original. El trabajo debe ser devuelto al artista en perfecto estado, en su embalaje original. Todos los artículos elegibles pueden ser devueltos (a menos que se indique lo contrario).
Certificado de autenticidad incluido
Esta obra aparece en las colecciones 5
  • Obra de arte original Pintura, Oleo en Lienzo
  • Dimensiones Altura 17,7in, Anchura 23,6in
  • Categorías Pinturas menos de 1.000 US$ Figurativo
Acerca de esta obra de arte: Clasificación, Técnicas & Estilos Oleo Pintura compuesta por pigmentos unidos con aceite de linaza o claveles. La técnica tradicional[...]

Temas relacionados

LandscapesOilPaintingsOriginalAustralian Art

David O’Halloran was born in October, 1974. He was not only born with a gift for art, he inherited it. Being the son of Artists Judy Pickering and Eric Minchin but also related to two of Australia’s great Artists,[...]

David O’Halloran was born in October, 1974. He was not only born with a gift for art, he inherited it. Being the son of Artists Judy Pickering and Eric Minchin but also related to two of Australia’s great Artists, Tom Roberts and Clifton Pugh, it was to no surprise that David would follow down the same path.
As a child he spent many hours watching his mother paint and exhibit alongside The Brushmen Of The Bush and then as a young man, he continued to watch her, as she taught him how to paint.
He calls himself a Fine Artist, specializing in Landscape painting. David alternates between oil and acrylic paint, depending upon the individual piece he wants to create. He uses a combination of brush and palette knife techniques to get the effect he needs. He gives his work texture and is not afraid to use a generous amount of paint, nor does he hesitate to apply the colour in a rich vibrant appearance on the canvas. O’Halloran captures the Australian Outback in his landscapes beautifully, whether it be on a miniature or mural size base, he is able to create so much distance within the painting, making the viewer look back over the rich earthy reds of the desert until it meets those amazing big, blue skies, displaying just how big Australia really is.
He admires the work of Monet and Titian and has been greatly influenced by the works of Pro Hart and Tom Roberts. Other artists he is inspired by include the likes of Andrew Tischler, Monet, Tom Roberts, Michael James Smith, Jenny Greentree, Len Hend, Joel Rea, Clifton Pugh, Albert Namitjira and of course his mother Judy.
David’s work has been showcased in acclaimed exhibitions and shows. He is a RAW artist and exhibited his work at The October, 2015 RAW Brisbane Showcase. He was a finalist at the Gympie Art Competition in 2014 and his work has been published in The Outback Creative Art book, as well as international magazines. David has been featured in newspapers and a radio interview, as well as a TV interview with both Sophie Formica and Anna Daniels from Channel 7 shows The Weekender and The Great South East, while he was teaching his art class on Macleay Island, 2015. In the past five years, David has now sold over 300 original artworks to private collectors both International and right across Australia. He has also donated his paintings to various charity organisations, such as Make A Wish Foundation (Australia) and Montrose Access, Sunshine Coast, Qld.
David O’Halloran really is part of a unique family legacy, overflowing with undeniable talent. He is without a doubt a true credit to Australian Art.

Ver más de David O'Halloran

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Oleo en Lienzo | 23,6x17,7 in
666,12 US$
Acrílico en Lienzo | 9,7x13,6 in
273,26 US$
Acrílico en Lienzo | 19,3x23,2 in
489,51 US$
Oleo en Lienzo | 23,6x17,7 in
666,12 US$


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