Trip (2000) Картина - Luca Geremia Russo Multiverse Maze Art

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Продавец Luca Geremia Russo Multiverse Maze Art

Raffigurazione della vita quotidiana dell'esser umano distrutta e contorta dall'abuso di droga. Situazioni che incontrano il giudizio della legge la quale non perdona nessun status sociale. In un tempo che strappa l'anima buona e la trasforma in una geometria prospettica tesa all'infinito. tecnica e materia: acrilico[...]
Raffigurazione della vita quotidiana dell'esser umano distrutta e contorta dall'abuso di droga. Situazioni che incontrano il giudizio della legge la quale non perdona nessun status sociale. In un tempo che strappa l'anima buona e la trasforma in una geometria prospettica tesa all'infinito.

tecnica e materia: acrilico e applicazioni packaging su tela

Переведено автоматически
Luca Geremia Russo, creator of the artistic current of enigmismo. was born in Milan 20/10/1976 What is Enigmismo? and as an artistic current what does it consist of on a philosophical and[...]

Luca Geremia Russo, creator of the artistic current of enigmismo. was born in Milan 20/10/1976

What is Enigmismo?
and as an artistic current what does it consist of on a philosophical and moral level?
enigmismo is a thematic Material that has existed since the bigbang.
It's the mystical symbol of the Universe in the Unknown and of the human question;
based on the image of a space in a better world not made for racism and social differences
bat made in the image of the fundamental and intellectual freedom of being able to exist.

Artistic Current:
"Enigmismo is an artistic current that I Luca Geremia Russo called in a night of full moon in 1998/1999 while was painting in an apartment of a small feudal house in Urbino(PS). With other artist friends who were painting in the 'casualismo' style - (people that paint together at the same time in the same format with techniques and different materials). Observing their way of working and visualizing a book Copyright TASCHEN title HR GIGER ARh+, of the great artist H.R.Giger(oils, airbrush, inks, beings, acrylics, biomechanics photo assemblys of atmospheres, spaceships, creatures polyester from the film ALIEN). Book that I found in an market inside in a Rave Party in Bologna, Italy.I stopped at a page where there was a ink of 1959-60...that he designed the skeleton of a woman dressed with a dress anatomical and sensuality. That it walked to the inside of the corridor without doors and address of escape, dancing towards the observer. In this precise Flash moment the light, I have begun to be taken from a strong sense of pride the inspiration salted to stars, the artistic contamination was in action all the insecurities disappeared taken the matita one and on a sheet of French paper 60x80 I stirred with sensations, the dreams the truths and big bang all he had beginning therefore. I have begun one thematic painting doors in the corridors...corridors in the corridors, pictures on the walls of the aforesaid ones. In which I paint all, then is itself evolution the time* that design like a mechanical wheel that walks to the infinite in my mazes as it* kills aging the human beings, I catch and pursued he* in my mazes transforming it in every thing, living and not living. I am its conductor and it is my game.This is enigmismo in complete evolution day x day is changingits geometries symmetric and asymmetric, its signs bidimensional, its perspective hypercubic its colors, that they take the indication from many artists of the past and the present, touches you to criticize and to discover become a metapragmatismo as key of access for an innovation space time where the man a day will not be made of matter but he will become a happy cosmic essence of its perfect equilibrium".

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Акрил на Дерево | 15x28,7 in
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Акрил на Бумага | 13x18,9 in
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Масло на Холст | 23,6x31,5 in
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Акрил на Холст | 23,6x47,2 in
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