Traffic, image views & Statistics

About the statistics analysis

Visitor tracking and statistics are provided by Google. On occasion, the statistics data collected and displayed may need additional insight for a proper understanding and interpretation.

Differences in visitor data / geolocation / image counters
Many visitors disable geo-tracking and statistics tracking on their browser. Google can not track these visitors and this can lead to inconsistencies between the number of image views which continue to increase, and the visitor tracking indicators which remains at zero.

Privacy laws
Visitor's traffic is limited by data privacy laws. Google's service works with trending and audience extrapolation algorithms. The more visitors you receive, the more accurate Google's tracking service is. If you don't get many visitors (less than 100 per day), tracking services are less accurate (or may not work properly). Location information (along with other personal information) depends on how visitors configure their browser: if visitors disable location or session cookies on their browser, it is no longer possible to track them.
For these reasons, counting differences may appear between obvious activity of visitors recorded on Artmajeur (messages received, images added to favorites, etc.) and the statistics provided by Google.

Deleted content
You will only receive a notification when someone adds your works to their collections, but not when they remove it. If they delete several images from their collections, or remove entire collections, the images removed will not longer be accounted for in your statistics.
When users delete their account, all related data (images added to collections, messages, comments etc...) are also deleted, and will no longer appear in the statistics.
Please note that when you delete an image, all statistics, comments or favourites associated with this image will also be deleted.

We do our best to ensure that the data presented is consistent, but in some cases it is not possible to have an exact match.

General questions about traffic, images views and statistics

How many visitors does Artmajeur receive?
Artmajeur receives up to 1 million visitors from all over the world each month. These visitors are distributed among all the pages of the site and benefit all the artists.

How are statistics tracked and displayed?
Statistics tracking and compilation are provided by Google Analytics.

Where do the visitors come from?
Artmajeur enjoys a very good ranking on search engines, with millions of referenced pages. We also carry out promotional campaigns on the internet, in the press and on TV, which allows collectors to come.

How many collectors are there among the visitors?
On average, 10% of visits come from artists, and 90% from collectors.

Visit statistics of my works / my Artmajeur profile / my site
Artmajeur allows you to precisely follow the visits to your gallery; PLATINUM members can also access advanced statistics (number of visitors, geographic location, etc.).

Why are the numbers different on the home page of my account, and on the statistics section?
On the home page of your account, the statistics presented show the total since the creation of your account. In the Statistics section, the figures presented depend on the period chosen.

Why are most visitors coming from my country? 
At first, your gallery will mostly be visited by yourself, and people you know, from your home country. After some time when you get noticed and followed on Artmajeur, you will get also many worldwide visitors. To get visitors from other countries, you need to promote your profile more!

Why has the number of views of my works decreased?
Variations of 1000% from day to day are common on the Internet, this is normal. There are also trends that are cyclical, or seasonal.

Why has the number of views of my works increased occasionally?
You can have a peak of visits when you load new works, or when some of your works are highlighted. In some cases, if one of your works ranks very well on a search engine for a particular search term, it can get you a very large number of visitors quickly.

Why can the number of views for a particular day change depending on the time period?
Google considers unique visits differently depending on the period considered; for example, if a person visits your gallery several times in 1 week, they will be counted as 1 person. If she visits your gallery several times in 1 month, and she disconnected from her computer in the middle of the month, Google will count 2 distinct connections, therefore 2 visits.

One person I know visited my gallery and they do not appear on the statistics, why?
Google provides trends accurate only when there are large numbers of data. Profiles receiving less than 100 visitors per day are less accurate. It is usually not possible to track only 1 visitor from a given location.

How to get more visitors?
To attract visitors, make sure you document your works perfectly (descriptions, categories, prices) and offer quality visuals (perfectly framed photo, additional views, etc.).
Consult our documentation to properly reference your profile on Google, and you can also buy promotional packages for your works.

Why sometimes do some data or graphics no longer appear or are inconsistent?
Statistics are provided by Google Analytics, which aggregate a large amount of data. If there is not enough data, Google sometimes displays inconsistent data or displays no information so as not to display inconsistent data. This usually means that there are not enough visits during the selected period.

Can I know the email address of visitors?
No, the GDPR does not allow the collection of personal information from visitors

Can I remove my own statistics visits from the results?

Number of image views 
This is the number of times your images have been displayed on your profile, your PRO site, or the Artmajeur General Gallery.  

Visitor interactions *
All messages sent by visitors: Contacts, Comments, Reviews or messages on your guestbook.  

The number of page views *
The number of times visitors have viewed the pages of your profile or your site (contact page, biography etc ...).  

Unique visitors *
The number of "unique" people who visited your profile or site. The same person who visits your site several times is counted only once.  

Localities *
The cities are identified as the origin of your visitors. Many visitors disable geographic identification on their browser, so this information is not always available for all visits.  

Behaviours *
The proportion of visitors accessing your site for the first time, compared to those who have already visited your site and are returning to it.  

The average duration of the session *
The average time visitors spend on your profile or site (in seconds). The longer the duration, the more visitors want to stay on your site. A duration above 2 minutes is excellent. The average is 1 minute.  

Bounce rate *
The percentage of visitors leaving your site after 1 page only. The lower the rate, the more visitors are happy to visit your site. A bounce rate below 50% is excellent. The average is 60%.  

Pageviews per session *
The average number of pages viewed by a visitor when viewing your site in a single session, or "in one go". If he comes back the next day, it's another different session.  

Referents *
The sites that send the most visitors to your site or profile. "(Direct) / (none)" indicates visitors who come directly to your site without going through a referring site: they directly enter your site address in the browser, or use a favourites link to your site saved on their browser.  

Top active pages *
The pages of your site that are the most visited.

* features available only for PLATINUM members, or for PRO SITES.
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