Natureza da Deusa (2018) Painting by Tenim

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Seller Tenim

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork is framed
The work "Natureza da Deusa", is the original canvas of the collection "Deusa de Tenim", by the artist Tenim. This is the original canvas, "The Nature of the Goddess", it is the canvas painted by hand and used to create all the other works in the collection. It is a representation of freedom, good and bad. In the work[...]
The work "Natureza da Deusa", is the original canvas of the collection "Deusa de Tenim", by the artist Tenim. This is the original canvas, "The Nature of the Goddess", it is the canvas painted by hand and used to create all the other works in the collection. It is a representation of freedom, good and bad. In the work the Goddess unleashes evil in the world, and to create balance she also puts her heart. Screen: "The Nature of the Goddess"; Proportions: 108.2x108.2 cm; Value: 100 thousand reais; Year: 2018; Tenim uses a unique technology, ®Artificial Intelligence of Painting (AIP). It is an algorithm that helps the artist Tenim to make his works, using mathematical parameters to create expressive forms, figures and allegories on the canvas. All the works in each collection are built from the Original Work painted by the artist, and who, with the help of AIP, creates the other works digitally. The screens are printed with a sophisticated printing system, the ®Smart printing system (SPS) on a traditional, high-quality screen. This impression achieves 95% of the original quality painted by hand. All canvases are printed on a certified material canvas, which is printed with mineral pigment inks, capable of producing exceptional colors, consistent black and white prints, with gallery and museum quality. Its essence is longevity that exceeds 150 years, as it follows all museum requirements. Each collection of the artist has 175 works, which are classified as follows: 1 ° Original Work; 2 ° 5 Main or Primary works; 3 ° 20 Secondary works; 4 ° 50 Tertiary works; 5 ° 100 Quaternary works; Knowing the classification of each work is extremely relevant, whereas it is the classification that defines the work's characteristics, such as price, its importance in the collection, the story that tells and even its dimensions. In addition, each work has a seal that is the signature of the work and a certificate of authenticity. It contains information on the classification of the work in each collection, such as: 1st Original Work, OPT Stamp (Original Painting of Tenim); 2nd Main Works, Seal P1 - P5; 3 ° Secondary Works, Seal S1 - S20; 4th Tertiary Works, Stamp T1 - T50; 5th Quaternary Works, QT Seal; UNDERSTANDING THE CLASSIFICATIONS Each collection has a name that is the name of the original work or the main canvas of the collection. As an example of this, in the “A Deusa de Tenim" Collection, her name is the same as the Screen P1. And from that, the admirer is invited to follow the classification of each screen to understand the history. This is because the classifications serve to guide which works are most important among the collection, precisely because they tell more about their history. The original work (OPT) and those classified as P1 - P5, are the ones that tell the beginning of the story, and as in a book of literature, they are a portrait of the main characters in the story. Then the works classified as S1 - S20, are representations of secondary characters in the collection and their expressions, such as love, anger, anguish, sadness, and the whole set of feelings The T1 - T50 works are representations of the transformations that the characters have undergone throughout history and of how they elaborate their challenges, problems and feelings.They are the main works in terms of telling the story, as they are the greatest n number of the main representations of how the characters in the collection are transformed. Finally, the QT works are representations of meticulous transformations and are reserved for the most attentive admirers. They don't tell much about the story, but they are more detailed and profound representations of the characters. In addition, the QT works are smaller in size than the others, usually in frame and A4 size. In this way, each collection is like a puzzle, or like a page in a book that needs to be assembled or read in order to understand the whole story. PAINTING TECHNIQUES Oil on canvas Tenim uses oil paint to create the main figures of the work. With it it creates contours, contrast, light and shadow and the depth of the work's perspective. Acrylic Tenim makes use of acrylic paint to create the textures of the canvas, reinforce the contours and create the implicit images when elaborating the smallest details of the work. Collage Tenim employs the use of a sophisticated collage technique that, together with acrylic paint, creates the different textures of the canvas. ENGENHARIA DA ARTE Tenim uses sophisticated painting technology that is capable of mixing different brushes, textures and types of paint on a canvas. The ®Artificial Intelligence of Painting which is divided into three categories: ®Artificial Intelligence of Painting and Brush; ®Artificial Intelligence of Painting and Ink; ®Artificial Intelligence of Painting and geometry; Used from the original hand-painted work "AIP and Brush", it is a sophisticated system that mixes different types of brushes into a single one to create different textures in the works. "AIP and Ink", on the other hand, is the use of different types of ink in different points of the canvas to promote the different textures, perspectives, light and shadow and the whole set of techniques used in each work. Finally, "AIP and geometry", is the most sophisticated and advanced of the three, as it is through a multi-layer system of painting the canvas, that different shapes, images and allegories are created. It is through this tool that the artist is able to plan the image of the Original Canvas so that through it he can create the others in the collection. Because it is from mathematical and geometric calculations that the artist creates different perspectives in the original work, that when these perspectives are "moved", the 175 works are formed from the Original Work. For this reason, the original work is the most valuable, so that, in it, the 175 works are contained, the point is that the admirer is not used to being able to observe a multidimensional canvas and to perceive all the works and figures that are contained and hidden in the Original Screen.
Automatically translated
Tenim é um artista plástico de Curitiba Paraná. Tenim apresenta em suas obras contemporâneas um novo olhar e uma nova perspectiva para aquilo que é arte.[...]

Tenim é um artista plástico de Curitiba Paraná.

Tenim apresenta em suas obras contemporâneas um novo olhar e uma nova perspectiva para aquilo que é arte. Todo admirador de sua arte irá se deparar com cores fortes, e figuras alegóricas que denotam o conjunto da complexidade da psiquê humana, sua maior inspiração.

O artista possui inspiração também no sentimento, no calor, na emoção e na fervorosidade que é ser brasileiro. Nas belezas exuberantes e indescritíveis de sua natureza esplendorosa, e que aos olhos humanos expressam admiração e graciosidade.

 Suas obras de arte revelam, portanto, um conjunto de tonalidades e formas que desafiam o admirador a não apenas observar uma obra de arte, mas enaltecer a sua degustação visual.

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