Figurative sculptures for sale

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Sculpture titled "Alix (bronze)" by Jean Pierre Picheny, Original Artwork, Bronze
Alix (bronze) - Sculpture, 9.8x5.9 in ©2019 by Jean Pierre Picheny - Figurative, figurative-594, Nude, nu, féminin, bronze

Jean Pierre Picheny

"Alix (bronze)"

Sculpture - Bronze | 9.8x5.9 in

Sculpture titled "Théâtre-Peau #3" by Guillaume Couffignal, Original Artwork, Bronze
Théâtre-Peau #3 - Sculpture, 11.8x11.8 in ©2015 by Guillaume Couffignal - Figurative, figurative-594, Architecture, Art Contemporain, Sculpture, Bronze, Architecture, Théâtre

Guillaume Couffignal

"Théâtre-Peau #3"

Sculpture - Bronze | 11.8x11.8 in

Sculpture titled "" HOMMAGE A ZAHA HA…" by Antoine Berbari, Original Artwork, Bronze
" HOMMAGE A ZAHA HADID " - Sculpture, 22.8x9.8 in ©2017 by Antoine Berbari - Figurative, figurative-594, Bronze, Zaha Hadid, Architecture, Bronze, Statue, Architecte

Antoine Berbari


Sculpture - Bronze | 22.8x9.8 in

Sculpture titled "La Colombe et la Te…" by Thierry Legrand (ziiart), Original Artwork, Resin Mounted on Wood Panel
La Colombe et la Terre - Sculpture, 31.5x35 in ©2023 by Thierry Legrand (ziiart) - Figurative, figurative-594, Portrait, Terre, Colombe, globe, bleu, pierre, map, world, stones, wall, wallart

Thierry Legrand (ziiart)

"La Colombe et la Terre"

Sculpture - Resin | 31.5x35 in

Prints available
Sculpture titled "Born somewhere" by Thierry Legrand (ziiart), Original Artwork, Acrylic Mounted on Wood Panel
Born somewhere - Sculpture, 31.5x35.4 in ©2017 by Thierry Legrand (ziiart) - Figurative, figurative-594, World Culture, globe, terre, murs, pierres, bleu, homme, espace, decoration, sculpture murale, sculpture

Thierry Legrand (ziiart)

"Born somewhere"

Sculpture - Acrylic | 31.5x35.4 in

Prints available
Sculpture titled "Mamma che allatta" by Giancarlo Morandi, Original Artwork, Wire
Mamma che allatta - Sculpture, 23.6x16.5 in ©2021 by Giancarlo Morandi - Figurative, figurative-594, Love, white, sofa, couch, design, interior, room, background, living, furniture, home, modern, luxury, nobody, comfortable, floor, lifestyle, relax, 3d, decor, empty

Giancarlo Morandi

"Mamma che allatta"

Sculpture - Wire | 23.6x16.5 in

Sculpture titled "Le manège des arts" by Marina Argentini, Original Artwork, Collages
Le manège des arts - Sculpture, 10.2x5.9 in ©2019 by Marina Argentini - Figurative, figurative-594, Animaux, architecture, manège, arts

Marina Argentini

"Le manège des arts"

Sculpture - Collages | 10.2x5.9 in

$195.32 Shipping Not Included
Sculpture titled "piccolissimo-palazzo" by Normand Hamel, Original Artwork, Metals
piccolissimo-palazzo - Sculpture, 15.8x15.8 in ©2016 by Normand Hamel - Figurative, figurative-594, architecture, fantastique

Normand Hamel


Sculpture - Metals | 15.8x15.8 in

Sculpture titled "villa-des-nuages-un" by Normand Hamel, Original Artwork, Wood
villa-des-nuages-un - Sculpture, 40.9x36.2 in ©2018 by Normand Hamel - Figurative, figurative-594, Wood, architecture, assemblage, poesie

Normand Hamel


Sculpture - Wood | 40.9x36.2 in

Sculpture titled "He (Rebirth)" by Oxana Kondratenko, Original Artwork, Ceramics
He (Rebirth) - Sculpture, 10.4x10.4 in ©2019 by Oxana Kondratenko - Figurative, figurative-594, Urban, City

Oxana Kondratenko

"He (Rebirth)"

Sculpture - Ceramics | 10.4x10.4 in

Sculpture titled "Rooster houses" by Boruch Jenia Lev, Original Artwork, Plaster
Rooster houses - Sculpture ©2018 by Boruch Jenia Lev - Figurative, figurative-594, Geometric, architecture, avangard, russian avangard, plaster, composition

Boruch Jenia Lev

"Rooster houses"

Sculpture - Plaster

Sculpture titled "Urban Nacked" by Monica Elizabeth Roses, Original Artwork, Ceramics
Urban Nacked - Sculpture, 17.7x3.5 in ©2021 by Monica Elizabeth Roses - Figurative, figurative-594, Love,

Monica Elizabeth Roses

"Urban Nacked"

Sculpture - Ceramics | 17.7x3.5 in

Sculpture titled "The center of the w…" by Thierry Legrand (ziiart), Original Artwork, Acrylic
The center of the world 1 - Sculpture, 35.4x39.4 in ©2021 by Thierry Legrand (ziiart) - Figurative, figurative-594, artwork_cat.Kid, Monde, enfant, planet, globe, rouge, pierres, mur, couleur

Thierry Legrand (ziiart)

"The center of the world 1"

Sculpture - Acrylic | 35.4x39.4 in

Prints available
Sculpture titled "Girl with drappery" by Nikolai Shatalov, Original Artwork, Bronze
Girl with drappery - Sculpture, 17.7x6.3 in ©2021 by Nikolai Shatalov - Figurative, figurative-594, artwork_cat.Feminine, sculpture, female, nude, dra[[ery, girl, naked, bronze, interior, architecture, design, chill, nikolayshatalov, скульптура, обнаженная, девушка

Nikolai Shatalov

"Girl with drappery"

Sculpture - Bronze | 17.7x6.3 in

Sculpture titled "Sculpture "Boule Ri…" by Sarcie, Original Artwork, Terra cotta
Sculpture "Boule Riven" - Sculpture, 7.9x5.1 in ©2005 by Sarcie - Figurative, figurative-594, Ceramic, Tree, arbre, Riven, Myst, maison, habitation, sculpture, Sarcie, architecture


"Sculpture "Boule Riven""

Sculpture - Terra cotta | 7.9x5.1 in

Sculpture titled "La porte du désert" by Gilles De La Buharaye, Original Artwork, Metals
La porte du désert - Sculpture, 11.2x12.2 in ©2006 by Gilles De La Buharaye - Figurative, figurative-594, Bronze, Architecture, bronze, volume, géométrie, architecture, sculpture

Gilles De La Buharaye

"La porte du désert"

Sculpture - Metals | 11.2x12.2 in

Not For Sale
Sculpture titled "Series "Alpine Skii…" by Nataliia Krykun, Original Artwork, Acrylic Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame
Series "Alpine Skiing, Snowboarding", winter mountains - Sculpture, 31.5x23.6 in ©2024 by Nataliia Krykun - Figurative, figurative-594, Sport, white snow with, white mountains alps, sport ski paradises winter, alpine skiing snowboarding, people family holidays, "3d textured painting white, plaster cement objects

Nataliia Krykun

"Series "Alpine Skiing, Snowboarding", winter mountains"

Sculpture - Acrylic | 31.5x23.6 in

Sculpture titled "She (Rebirth)" by Oxana Kondratenko, Original Artwork, Ceramics
She (Rebirth) - Sculpture, 10.4x10.4 in ©2019 by Oxana Kondratenko - Figurative, figurative-594, Urban, City

Oxana Kondratenko

"She (Rebirth)"

Sculpture - Ceramics | 10.4x10.4 in

Sculpture titled "Alix (version résin…" by Jean Pierre Picheny, Original Artwork, Casting
Alix (version résine transparente) - Sculpture, 9.8x5.9 in ©2018 by Jean Pierre Picheny - Figurative, figurative-594, artwork_cat.Feminine

Jean Pierre Picheny

"Alix (version résine transparente)"

Sculpture - Casting | 9.8x5.9 in

Sculpture titled "Land of future" by Thierry Legrand (ziiart), Original Artwork, Acrylic
Land of future - Sculpture, 37x41.3 in ©2017 by Thierry Legrand (ziiart) - Figurative, figurative-594, Africa, peinture, sculpture murale, afrique, enfants, monde, planète terre

Thierry Legrand (ziiart)

"Land of future"

Sculpture - Acrylic | 37x41.3 in

Prints available
Sculpture titled "At the center of th…" by Thierry Legrand (ziiart), Original Artwork, Acrylic Mounted on Wood Panel
At the center of the world - Sculpture, 35.4x39.4 in ©2019 by Thierry Legrand (ziiart) - Figurative, figurative-594, artwork_cat.Kid, Enfant, monde, planet, mur, sculpture murale, bleu, orange, couleur, pierres, france

Thierry Legrand (ziiart)

"At the center of the world"

Sculpture - Acrylic | 35.4x39.4 in

Prints available
Sculpture titled ""55" - spatial inst…" by Pracownia Artystyczna Maja Gajewska, Original Artwork, Metals
"55" - spatial installation - Sculpture, 47.2x47.2 in ©2018 by Pracownia Artystyczna Maja Gajewska - Figurative, figurative-594, loft, livingroom, minimalist, concrete, wall, room, architecture, design, home, interior, living, lounge, modern, Spatial installation, metal

Pracownia Artystyczna Maja Gajewska

""55" - spatial installation"

Sculpture - Metals | 47.2x47.2 in

Sculpture titled "La Tour de Babel" by Jean Vindras, Original Artwork, Metals
La Tour de Babel - Sculpture, 3.7x2 in ©2006 by Jean Vindras - Figurative, figurative-594, Metal, sculpture, monumentale, métal, religion, habitation, extérieur, architecture

Jean Vindras

"La Tour de Babel"

Sculpture - Metals | 3.7x2 in

$48,829.5 Shipping Not Included
Sculpture titled "BANLIEUE" by Samantha Schmid, Original Artwork, Glass
BANLIEUE - Sculpture, 12.6x12.6 in ©2013 by Samantha Schmid - Figurative, figurative-594, Architecture, Social, verre, banlieue, HLM, tags, graffiti, architecture

Samantha Schmid


Sculpture - Glass | 12.6x12.6 in



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