Balthazar and Esme, 2 (Original)(Oceanside, California, USA) (2023) 미술작품 Elodie M. Richard

종이의 수채화, 7x10 in
가격: 무료 배송
고객의 리뷰 (28)
배송지: 미국 (봉투) 2일 이내 배송
14 일 이내 환불 규정
전세계 배송
100 % 안전 거래
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무료 반품: 14 일 이내 환불 규정.
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작가의 사인이 담긴 작품
정품 인증서 포함
Balthazar was rescued off the street by Great Lakes Pigeon Rescue. He was thin, terrified and had such thick bangles around his legs that he was unable to lie down. I adopted him in the summer of 2021. When he was examined by a vet, we found that he had suffered a terrible accident at some point in his past: his keel had been severely broken and then[...]
Balthazar was rescued off the street by Great Lakes Pigeon Rescue. He was thin, terrified and had such thick bangles around his legs that he was unable to lie down. I adopted him in the summer of 2021. When he was examined by a vet, we found that he had suffered a terrible accident at some point in his past: his keel had been severely broken and then healed misaligned. His beak was similarly broken and badly healed. These types of injuries can be from many things, although they are consistent with being thrown hard against a wall. From the first day Balthazar arrived here, he was in love with the sun. He would follow it around the aviary and sleep in it for hours. He also quickly took to bathing in the hose (rain bath) and learned how to bring pine needles to his wife by watching the rest of my flock. Although his life prior was rescue was obviously horrible, he eventually learned to trust me.
He was a bird who clearly enjoyed every second of his life post-rescue, and he took advantage of every luxury offered. He was a dedicated husbird to his wife Esmé and it was a gift to watch him learn how to be a pigeon, enjoy the life he deserved, and flourish. He will be deeply missed and never forgotten.

Balthazar was part of Moose’s Flock, and lived with his human parent Jenna in Oceanside, CA (USA)

관련 테마

The Story Of BalthazarRescued PigeonLimited Series Art PrintsArchival Art PrintsElodie M Richard Art

자동 번역
Elodie M. Richard was born in France but with a complex heritage including Polish and Russian. Due to her father’s career in the Army her family had to regularly move and adapt to new locations in France and[...]

Elodie M. Richard was born in France but with a complex heritage including Polish and Russian. Due to her father’s career in the Army her family had to regularly move and adapt to new locations in France and abroad. Her life path as a child and adult is made of travels and regular changes of geographical locations, constantly balancing between feeling of loss, challenges and new life starts. 

Unlike a superficial society that gets lost in ultra consumption, Elodie creates a refined, symbolic and meditative world around the broad notion of identity. She takes her inspirations from personal experiences but also current events and her connection to nature.
The artist currently lives in Central Florida with her husband (artist himself) and their small flock of 5 rescued pigeons.

This page shows an inventory of her work as a painter and illustrator since 2016 up to this current year. 

Some of her artworks appear as sold, if interested in an art piece, please private message Elodie.

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종이의 수채화 | 10x7 in
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종이의 수채화 | 10x7 in
종이의 수채화 | 10x7 in


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