Anemons (2011) Malarstwo autorstwa Doris Cohen

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Sprzedawca Doris Cohen

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33,87 USD
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  1204 px  

1500 px
Wymiary pliku (px) 1204x1500
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  • Oryginalna praca Malarstwo,
  • Wymiary Wysokość 9,8in, Szerokość 7,9in
The Birth of life represented in three red flowers By Doris Cohen Contact for Prints For Negotiated price mail artpaintingstudio(at)yahoo O tej pracy: Klasyfikacja, Techniki & Style [...]
The Birth of life represented in three red flowers By Doris Cohen

Contact for Prints

For Negotiated price mail artpaintingstudio(at)yahoo

Powiązane tematy

Oil Paintings By Doris Cohen

Przetłumaczone automatycznie
Doris Cohen was born in Tanger in 1953. She started painting in her early teens, mostly the vistas of the Mediterranean and French countryside where she grew up. She subsequently immigrated to Israel where[...]

Doris Cohen was born in Tanger in 1953. She started painting in her early teens, mostly the vistas of the Mediterranean and French countryside where she grew up. She subsequently immigrated to Israel where she acquired formal degree in arts. Her works on social issues and life in the desert, won her critical acclaim. With time and voyages through Asia, Africa and European cities, her art evolved into an inter-mix of people and nature. Commercial success and critical acclaim followed but was never allowed to interfere with the independence of the artist and her imagination. Now happily settled in Toronto, Canada, Doris remains a prolific artist with specialization in oil paintings and glass art work.

Doris Cohen's work have been exhibited in France, Israel, Canada, UK and Italy and are currently exhibited in various galleries in Toronto. She has been selected for prestigious art commissions in Europe and in North America. Many of her original artworks have been successfully auctioned or have been acquired by discerning art collectors. A part of her current collection is now for sale, both in originals and through limited Prints. Art collectors may email her through this site or email to - ) for negotiated prices on her original artworks or for any information on Prints or Commissioning.

Zobacz więcej od Doris Cohen

Zobacz wszystkie dzieła
Malarstwo | 35,4x23,6 in
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Malarstwo | 15,8x11,8 in
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Olej | 41,3x41,3 in
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Malarstwo | 7,9x11,8 in
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