WORDS (2020) 미술작품 Denise Souza Finney

나무의 아크릴, 18x24 in
가격: 무료 배송
Denise Souza Finney 에서 판매
배송지: 미국 (상자 또는 판지 포장) 2일 이내 배송
14 일 이내 환불 규정
전세계 배송
100 % 안전 거래
무료 반품
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무료 반품: 14 일 이내 환불 규정.
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아티스트는 판매할 때마다 로열티를 받습니다

Denise Souza Finney 에서 판매

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최대 해상도: 6993 x 5174 px
구매 즉시 다운로드
아티스트는 판매할 때마다 로열티를 받습니다

Denise Souza Finney 에서 판매

종류 중 하나
작가의 사인이 담긴 작품
정품 인증서 포함
벽걸이 준비
이 작품은 1 컬렉션에 나타납니다.
  • 원작 (One Of A Kind) 미술작품, 나무의 아크릴
  • 치수 높이 18in, 폭 24in
  • 작품의 상태 작품은 완벽한 상태입니다
  • 프레이밍 이 작품은 액자가 없습니다
  • 카테고리 회화 {가격} 이하 조형 미술 초상화
An original acrylic painting, WORDS depicts two repeating images of one woman. How many words are there to describe a woman, to describe what it means to be a woman? How many words does a woman have to listen to before she can focus on the words she wants to hear. WORDS is a painting that evolved from a live modeling session. I have a particular[...]
An original acrylic painting, WORDS depicts two repeating images of one woman. How many words are there to describe a woman, to describe what it means to be a woman? How many words does a woman have to listen to before she can focus on the words she wants to hear.
WORDS is a painting that evolved from a live modeling session. I have a particular passion for painting the figure, it is an exercise that always evolves and I don't feel I will ever reach a point where I have painted enough figures in my lifetime. I also have a particular fondness for typography, playing with letters as abstract shapes that often times are complete words.
In this painting, the letters that spell WORDS reference many thoughts and ideas; too many words, not using the right words for what you are trying to express,the ability to speak out loud what you might truly be thinking and the idea of communication.

관련 테마


자동 번역
My art started with dance, but I have had a passion for making things since I could move my fingers.  I am intrigued by complex stories, ones that may not explain anything to you but give evidence to how complicated[...]

My art started with dance, but I have had a passion for making things since I could move my fingers.  I am intrigued by complex stories, ones that may not explain anything to you but give evidence to how complicated our world can be.

My work has many layers consisting of mark making, colors, and abstract paint passages and I utilize the idea of pushing and pulling imagery within the painting to create a story with many influences.

Compared to my experience with dance they are very similar for both are a non verbal expression of what a person has learned or observed while living a life.  How best to express that through ones artwork is a lifetime of exploration.

Denise Souza Finney에서 더 자세한 내용을 확인하세요.

모든 작품보기
나무의 아크릴 | 12x9 in
나무의 아크릴 | 24x24 in
인쇄 가능
나무의 아크릴 | 24x24 in
인쇄 가능
나무의 아크릴 | 24x36 in
인쇄 가능


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