cut flowers (2019) コラージュ David Barnes によって


David Barnesからもっと見る



販売者 David Barnes

  • オリジナルのアートワーク (One Of A Kind) コラージュ, ウッドの コラージュ
  • 寸法 高さ 33.1in, 幅 27.6in
  • フレーミング このアートワークは額装されていません
  • カテゴリ コラージュ $1,000未満
A geometric design of overlapping and interconnected circles, cut from a print of painting of a vase of flowers. Some original detail from the original painting can still be seen up close, while from a distance the variations of colour allow the pattern to 'shimmer' [...]
A geometric design of overlapping and interconnected circles, cut from a print of painting of a vase of flowers.

Some original detail from the original painting can still be seen up close, while from a distance the variations of colour allow the pattern to 'shimmer'



I have always loved geometry, pattern and maths. My work is a means of exploring and understanding these relationships. The latest series, I am working on, involves using recycled leather cut-offs from[...]

I have always loved geometry, pattern and maths. My work is a means of exploring and understanding these relationships.

The latest series, I am working on, involves using recycled leather cut-offs from the shoe making industry here in Portugal. The range of colours and surface finishes available creates a unique palette to work from. Each individual piece is cut using a bespoke knife, made from a hand-drawn template.

The combination of geometry and colour allows the eye to wander over the surface, and for me, has a meditative quality.

With collage, the act of cutting through a sheet of material reveals a window into another layer below. My work tries to create a sense of surface pattern, letting the eye roam over the picture plane, as well as creating a sense of depth and of space receding behind the surface.

David Barnesからもっと見る

ウッドのアクリル | 23.6x23.6 in
ウッドのコラージュ | 47.2x47.2 in
レザーのテキスタイルアート | 59.1x37 in
レザーのテキスタイルアート | 67.7x33.5 in

