Edifice (2007) Dibujo por Biju Puthiyapurail

Bolígrafo en Papel, 28x34 in
4.726 US$
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Trabajo único
Certificado de autenticidad incluido
  • Obra de arte original (One Of A Kind) Dibujo, Bolígrafo en Papel
  • Dimensiones Altura 28in, Anchura 34in
  • Enmarcado Esta obra de arte no está enmarcada.
  • Categorías Dibujos menos de 5.000 US$
This work is by normal ball pen ‘beauty in black’ which is totally different from contemporary style Acerca de esta obra de arte: Clasificación, Técnicas & Estilos
This work is by normal ball pen ‘beauty in black’ which is totally different from contemporary style
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A self taught artist from New Delhi, India. It's slightly difficult to write about my own self associating me with the art. I could say that I'm a firm believer that there's an artist in every[...]

A self taught artist from New Delhi, India. It's slightly difficult to write about my own self associating me with the art. I could say that I'm a firm believer that there's an artist in every human being, however, many of us don't explore ourselves. I remember my initial experiences as an artist was when I was in school, where I used to get lot of appreciations from my friends, classmates / teachers, for my projects / academic works. This is where, I realized that what I could do and those times I used have my own yardstick to motivate myself & improve my art forms further and nurtured it over a period of time with lot of experiments. I followed my own taste, liking and practiced for 'beauty in black', but, somehow I could not pursue any formal education in art. 

As on today, I'm an aviation professional by occupation and I confine these art works as my desired leisure pursuit, from my busy schedule, I love to work with most of the mediums using pencil, charcoal, water, oil, acrylic but my preferred work is with normal black ballpoint pen. I feel ballpoint pen is a difficult form of art too, as one gets very little chance to alter or modify work in between, you have to be perfect through out without any visible inaccuracy. 

I was fortunate enough to participate in various shows & exhibitions in Delhi / Mumbai and received lot of acknowledgement & admiration from the artists, art lovers/observers for being a perfectionist in these forms without any formal art background. I also feel that being an artist without any formal qualification may bring things beyond the boundaries of learned art forms....

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1.137 US$
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2.022 US$
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2.225 US$


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