SB LVII 95 (2023) Pintura por Allen Halsey Halsey

Acrílico en Tablero de MDF, 49x38 in
2.213 US$
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  • Obra de arte original (One Of A Kind) Pintura, Acrílico en Tablero de MDF
  • Dimensiones Altura 49in, Anchura 38in
  • Estado de la obra de arte La obra de arte está en perfectas condiciones
  • Enmarcado Esta obra de arte no está enmarcada.
  • Categorías Pinturas menos de 5.000 US$ Figurativo Retratos de mujeres
acrylic and gold on CNC machine carved MDF board. An homage to Kansas City's championship game in '23. featuring a Chris Jones shirt. A nod to the fans unveiling their support for KC. This features a pun "Casey" belt buckle and a SB LVII necklace to commemorate the game. Lots of great patterns and textures at play here. The[...]
acrylic and gold on CNC machine carved MDF board. An homage to Kansas City's championship game in '23. featuring a Chris Jones shirt. A nod to the fans unveiling their support for KC. This features a pun "Casey" belt buckle and a SB LVII necklace to commemorate the game. Lots of great patterns and textures at play here. The holes cut through the board and the large amounts of gold paint really make it shine. For the football lover that doesn't want the traditional player portrait to show their team support.

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WomanGirlFootballChampionship 2023Kansas City

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Allen is a multi-disciplinary artist currently focusing on physical painting.  He spent 4 years studying in the University of Missouri system, but honed his skills painting large-scale theatrical scenery and[...]

Allen is a multi-disciplinary artist currently focusing on physical painting.  He spent 4 years studying in the University of Missouri system, but honed his skills painting large-scale theatrical scenery and murals, as well as traditional canvas works.  

 His newest paintings work on many different levels and will reward viewers if they put in the effort.  There is a great fascination with the relationship between dreams and memories and how they influence each other. They often change over time as certain details fade and are replaced by fabrications, while other aspects remain clear.   Feelings or colors or moods are often more important than specifics.   This is the space where these paintings reside--sometimes impressionistic or even abstract, they use vibrant colors to convey different moods and themes that walk the line between history and make-believe.   The perceived subject is often an entry point to the work, and not exactly what it's about.

 The negative space holes in the paintings are fairly unique.   They highlight the necessary relationship between hanging art and the wall behind.   Artwork enhances the wall, but it doesn’t always acknowledge it.   In these works, the art invites the wall to become a part of the festivities--casting shadows and adding colors and textures.

 The real star is the linework, which brings attention to itself by its being carved into the surface--separating it from the colored areas.  It is a basic building block of so much beloved art.  It brings together vast references such as Mucha, stained glass, graphic novels/comics, Japanese wood block prints, vintage postcards, Poloroids, Impressionism...

 There are, of course, many more layers to unpack, but it is urged for the viewer to draw their own conclusions and interpretations.

Ver más de Allen Halsey Halsey

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