Embraces (2018) 写真撮影 Ali Sabouki によって

写真撮影, 39.4x27.6 in
プライス: 送料無料
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He deconstructs the very definition of portraiture by doing away with faces entirely. This also represents the culmination of his career long interest in exploring the expressive power of human hands. The subjects are entirely shrouded except for their arms and hands. And yet, quite unexpectedly, the viewers[...]
He deconstructs the very definition of portraiture by doing away with faces entirely. This also represents the culmination of his career long interest in exploring the expressive power of human hands. The subjects are entirely shrouded except for their arms and hands. And yet, quite unexpectedly, the viewers find themselves making instantaneous emotional connections with these mysteriously veiled figures . The absence of what we hold as paramount in human communication, the face, allows us to sink eve n more deeply into the intricacies of the only exposed part of the subject’s, the arms and the hands. Instead of being drawn to wrinkles on the forehead or dimples on the subject’s cheeks, one can only gauge the subject by the contrast of their arms and hands set against the veil that masks what we are used to looking at.



Biafarin Inc.によって表さアーティスト
I am Ali Sabouki and I was born on September 21, 1985 in Shiraz. At an early age while I was exploring my interests in art I was fortunate enough to discover my passion for photography and Art Design. I[...]

I am Ali Sabouki and I was born on September 21, 1985 in Shiraz. At an early age while I was exploring my interests in art I was fortunate enough to discover my passion for photography and Art Design.
I attended the University of Art in 2008, choosing Set Design as my major, meanwhile I experienced working as a designer in cinema and theater. Although photography is my main media, I use other tools as music and sculpture and performance in creating my artworks as well. After all that, my main specialty is portrait and conceptual photography now. I also teach conceptual portrait photography in art institutes.

If my photos I have a mission, it is this: to put the human being before their inner forgotten truthfulness and to open up a gate toward those infinite galaxies of their spirits. An anecdote about being left and abandoned, emptiness and wandering of the current human being that all of us have in common all over the world. A captured moment in between the worlds... an effort that art puts for saving man.

