Summer Day II (2018) Malerei von Alexander Levich

Öl auf Leinwand, 13,8x17,7 in
948,54 $
Preis: Kostenloser Versand
Verkäufer KLOSSART
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55,58 $
74,82 $
128,27 $
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Verkäufer KLOSSART

Vom Künstler signiertes Kunstwerk
Echtheitszertifikat enthalten
Bereit zum Aufhängen
Auf Keilrahmen aus Holz montiert
  • Original-Kunstwerk (One Of A Kind) Malerei, Öl auf Leinwand
  • Masse Höhe 13,8in, Breite 17,7in
  • Zustand des Kunstwerks Das Kunstwerk ist in einwandfreiem Zustand
  • Rahmen Dieses Kunstwerk ist nicht gerahmt
  • Kategorien Gemälde unter 1.000 $ Impressionismus Meereslandschaft
"Summer Day II" is a visual poem composed by Alexander Levich, where every brushstroke contributes to the harmony of this seaside symphony. The artwork captures the stillness of the early morning, with two observers standing as silent sentinels to the day's quiet beginnings. Levich's technique reveals his acute observation of the[...]
"Summer Day II" is a visual poem composed by Alexander Levich, where every brushstroke contributes to the harmony of this seaside symphony. The artwork captures the stillness of the early morning, with two observers standing as silent sentinels to the day's quiet beginnings. Levich's technique reveals his acute observation of the natural world – the play of light on water, the subtle shifts in the color of the sand as it welcomes the sun’s embrace. The result is a painting that goes beyond mere representation; it becomes a space for introspection and a celebration of the calm that mornings by the sea can provide.

Verwandte Themen

Coastal ArtworkBeach Scene PaintingSeascape Oil CanvasRelaxing Ocean ArtSummer Beach View

Automatisch übersetzt
Künstler von KLOSSART vertreten
Alexander was born in 1963 in Kyiv, Ukraine. In 1987 he graduated from painting faculty of the Kyiv Art Academy, workshop of Professor A.M. Lopukhov. Since 1990 he is a member of the National Union of Artists[...]

Alexander was born in 1963 in Kyiv, Ukraine. In 1987 he graduated from painting faculty of the Kyiv Art Academy, workshop of Professor A.M. Lopukhov. Since 1990 he is a member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine. Alexander's artworks may be divided into two periods.

The first period that lasted for over 20 years after his graduation from the Academy of Arts, from early 90th and up to 2010, was focused on the search of something new and unusual. He was experimenting with different styles, techniques, and themes. This is how Alexander arrived at a style that is abstract, as it does not depict anything that we know or what our eyes are used to, at the same time it is also, to certain extent, a figurative art, as it shows certain fantasy objects, inspired by classical music and literature, sea travels and explorations, love and friendship… Alexander calls that style an “Intellectual Abstraction" and promises that he will return to it someday.

Around 2010 Mr. Levich decided to go against the mainstream of abstractionism and turned to realistic artworks that are pleasant and comforting for the eyes, yet, contain a deeper meaning that provides our mind with a field for thoughts and “a joy of communication with yourself, your inner world, a luxury of harmony and solitude".

Events and Exhibitions:

Paintings of Alexander Levich are often exhibited in various galleries. His paintings are included in public collections of Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, Directorate of the Artists Union of Ukraine, Zaporizhya Arts Museum, Museum of History of City of Kyiv, and Modern Art Museum of Dnipro. Alexander's artworks are also in numerous corporate and private collections around the world, in particular USA, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Russia, Japan, etc.

Alexander Levich is a co-author (together with Akim Levich and Yuriy Paskevych) of the monument "Menorah", erected in 1991 at Babi Yar (a ravine in the Ukrainian capital Kiev) to commemorate Jews that were executed in 1941 on the scene of possibly the largest shooting massacre during the Holocaust. Alexander is also an author of monument “For the Inmates of Syretsky Camp", erected in 1991 to commemorate those imprisoned in this Kyiv sub-camp of Sachsenhausen during the Second World War. In 1992 Alexander Levich was a co-author (with Alexander Karunskiy) of the memorial sign “In Memory of Alexey Grischenko" in Punta del Este, Uruguay.

Mehr von Alexander Levich

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5.212,62 $
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5.483,01 $
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11.308,36 $
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3.501,97 $


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