Révolution de la dignité (2014) 絵画 Alexander Breskin によって

キャンバスのオイル, 19.7x23.6 in
プライス: 送料無料
お客様のレビュー (40)
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お客様のレビュー 優れた

Alexander Breskin が販売



最大解像度: 6456 x 5596 px

Alexander Breskin が販売

  • オリジナルのアートワーク (One Of A Kind) 絵画, キャンバスの オイル
  • 寸法 高さ 19.7in, 幅 23.6in
  • アートワークの状態 仕事はとても良い状態です
  • フレーミング このアートワークは額装されていません
  • カテゴリ 絵画 $5,000未満 コンセプチュアルアート 政治
In this vibrant oil painting, I've poured my soul into every brushstroke, crafting a dynamic tapestry of forms that dance between realism and abstraction. Its semi-abstract style captures a whirlwind of emotions, a fervent cry for transformation and courage. This artwork is an ode to resilience, a splash of fervor that will infuse any space with[...]
In this vibrant oil painting, I've poured my soul into every brushstroke, crafting a dynamic tapestry of forms that dance between realism and abstraction. Its semi-abstract style captures a whirlwind of emotions, a fervent cry for transformation and courage. This artwork is an ode to resilience, a splash of fervor that will infuse any space with the spirit of tenacity and hope.



ALEXANDER BRESKIN A modern Ukrainian artist, lives and works in Kiev. For many years of creative work he mastered various techniques of fine art, he creates series of works in various artistic directions.

A modern Ukrainian artist, lives and works in Kiev.
For many years of creative work he mastered various techniques of fine art, he creates series of works in various artistic directions.
His work is taken away to the bright original world, which he created on the border of reality and fantasy, filled with optimism. Mature craftsmanship, impeccable sense of color is combined in them with childlike sincerity.
Recently, Alexander has been propagating his original style in painting, which he developed in an evolutionary way. The author called it ARTNET and considers it a new style of the 21st century.

Breskin Alexander Fedorovich
He was born in 1947 (North Korea)
In 1955 he came to Kiev (Ukraine)

Children's art school.
Kiev Art School (graduated in 1974)
Private art studio artist Yu. Malishevsky (7 years)

Member of the Kiev Union of Artists of the book.
Member of the Professional Union of Graphic Artists of Kiev
Participated in many creative projects:
2017-Personal exhibition in the History Museum of Kiev, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of his birth
2015 - participation in the exhibition in the Museum of the History of Kiev, dedicated to the 1000th anniversary of the prince
2015 - Ukrposhta issued postal envelopes with a picture of A. Breskin
"Revolution of Dignity"
2010 - personal exhibition of paintings and graphics in the Museum of History of Kiev
2009 - a set of postcards "My friend felt-tip pen" with author's drawings
2007 - a personal retrospective exhibition at the Kiev Museum of Cultural Heritage,
Dedicated to the 60th anniversary of his birth and the 35th anniversary of his creative activity
Author. Painting, graphics, design, textiles.
2004 - participation in the final exhibition of the International Biennial in the Museum "Majdanek", Poland2004 – uchastiye v itogovoy vystavke mezhdunarodnogo biyenale v Muzeye «Majdanek»,Pol'sha
1998 – uchastiye v mezhdunarodnom konkurse emblemy «Goroda-pobratimy», g. Kioto,
1988 – pervaya premiya gorodskogo konkursa g. Kiyev
1986 – priz Vsesoyuznogo konkursa «Sovetskiy komitet zashchity mira» g. Moskva
1983 – medal' k 1500-letiyu g.Kiyeva
1982 – uchastiye v itogovoy vystavke mezhdunarodnogo poster competition "Olympiad 80"

1998 - participation in the international competition of the emblem "Twin Cities", Kyoto,
1988 - the first prize of the city competition in Kiev
1986 - the prize of the All-Union competition "Soviet Committee for the Protection of Peace", Moscow
1983 - Medal for the 1500th anniversary of the city of Kiev
1982 - participation in the final exhibition of the international poster competition "For Peace and
Humanism ", Moscow
1980 - participation in the final exhibition of the international poster competition "Olympiad 80"
vwspaper "His colourful Carpathiansc Museum of Ukrainian Decorative Folk Art, the Museu

Alexander Breskinからもっと見る

リネンキャンバスのオイル | 27.6x31.5 in
キャンバスのオイル | 27.6x35.4 in
彫刻 - ウッド | 6.1x6.5 in
キャンバスのオイル | 19.7x15.8 in

