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摄影 标题为“The Clock Tower” 由Patrick John Bennett (Patrice), 原创艺术品, 数码摄影
The Clock Tower - 摄影 ©2022 由Patrick John Bennett (Patrice) - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, 纪念碑, artmajeur, patrice, clock, tower, gallery, art, print, art gallery, photography, streetmoment, thailand

Patrick John Bennett (Patrice)

"The Clock Tower"

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摄影 标题为“Standing stones - C…” 由Scott Gregory Banner, 原创艺术品, 数码摄影
Standing stones - Callanais - Scotland - 摄影 ©2022 由Scott Gregory Banner - Land Art, land-art-957, 纪念碑, colour, color, photograph, fine art, stone circle, monolith, Neolithic, Bronze Age, sunset, Callanish Standing Stones, Calanais, Outer Hebrides, Scotland, United Kingdom, Scott Gregory Banner, monument, historic, photography, Island of Lewis

Scott Gregory Banner

"Standing stones - Callanais - Scotland"

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摄影 标题为“Standing stones - C…” 由Scott Gregory Banner, 原创艺术品, 数码摄影
Standing stones - Callanais - Scotland 1 - 摄影 ©2022 由Scott Gregory Banner - Land Art, land-art-957, 纪念碑, colour, color, photograph, fine art, monument, historic, stone circle, monolith, Neolithic, Bronze Age, Callanish Standing Stones, landscape, field, Outer Hebrides, Scotland, United Kingdom, Scott Gregory Banner, photography, Island of Lewis, silhouette

Scott Gregory Banner

"Standing stones - Callanais - Scotland 1"

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