Superconductor / Oleg Nesterov (2017) 摄影 由 Georgy Bezborodov

美术纸, 8x12 in
Hand signed and numbered on back. With a Certificate of Authenticity. Feel free to ask for other size and supports (paper, canvas, brushed aluminium... ) As a result of many experiments, I choose a combination of file preparation, printing technology and Matte Litho-realistiс paper, which makes the image close to engraving[...]
Hand signed and numbered on back.
With a Certificate of Authenticity.

Feel free to ask for other size and supports (paper, canvas, brushed aluminium... )

As a result of many experiments, I choose a combination of file preparation, printing technology and Matte Litho-realistiс paper, which makes the image close to engraving or lithography and ensures the safety of work for more than 100 years.

“Intuition does not tolerate conscious intentions, therefore we fall into the stream playing music“ without any purpose. ”And our spiritual experience accepts the music of this stream, forgive me for such words, but you won’t say more precisely. This is a completely different, altered state (I think it’s not out of place to emphasize that we don’t use any stimulants), where there are no wrong notes, time flows differently, where EVERYTHING IS. "
— Oleg Nesterov

This artwork is part of "Shotland" project


Shotland literally is a “country of images” — it is an ideal world that is created from a documentary depiction of the most magical moments of life, when unpredictable randomness is added to the author’s plan. In order to get just a good professional photo, it’s enough to do everything very accurately “from the head”, but in order to catch the magic, this is not enough. George creates all the necessary conditions for work, then gives vent to “chance” — those unpredictable moments that cannot be foreseen — how the wind moved the branch, how suddenly the model turned, how suddenly a flare appeared. All filming is thoughtless, documentary, live. Due to this approach, a combination of the quality of studio, staged shooting and liveliness of reporting is achieved.



Georgy Bezborodov 是一位建筑师和摄影师。他对城市规划的了解极大地帮助了摄影中的构图、体积、光线、透视、绘画和图形。 他的作品以生活、肖像和风景为主题,以灯光为特色,使他与其他艺术家区别开来。 Georgy Bezborodov 在莫斯科(俄罗斯)工作。他是俄罗斯艺术摄影师联盟成员,俄罗斯生态学会主席顾问,俄罗斯地理学会会员,俄罗斯摄影俱乐部会员,营销公司Time4brand董事。他参加了许多展览,并在俄罗斯和国外的许多出版物上发表了他的作品。[...]

Georgy Bezborodov 是一位建筑师和摄影师。他对城市规划的了解极大地帮助了摄影中的构图、体积、光线、透视、绘画和图形。


Georgy Bezborodov 在莫斯科(俄罗斯)工作。他是俄罗斯艺术摄影师联盟成员,俄罗斯生态学会主席顾问,俄罗斯地理学会会员,俄罗斯摄影俱乐部会员,营销公司Time4brand董事。他参加了许多展览,并在俄罗斯和国外的许多出版物上发表了他的作品。

查看更多的Georgy Bezborodov

摄影 | 多种可选的尺寸
摄影 | 多种可选的尺寸
摄影 | 多种可选的尺寸
摄影 | 多种可选的尺寸

