tvoj-moj-mogoce-najin-angel-9-60cm-x-50cm-2016.jpg (2016) 绘画 由 Janez Štros

油在帆布上, 23.6x19.7 in

客户评价 (279)
发货地: 斯洛文尼亚
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  • 原创艺术品 绘画, 在帆布上
  • 外形尺寸 高度 23.6in, 宽度 19.7in
  • 分类 画作 低于US$20,000 抽象主义
You are an Angel too no.9 关于这件艺术品: 分类, 技术技巧 & 款式 油 由与亚麻子油或康乃馨结合的颜料组成的油漆。传统技术是将越来越富油的油漆层叠加在一起,形成坚固耐用的衣架。[...]
You are an Angel too no.9



Janez Štros was born in 1964. Janez Štros mainly creates abstracted works with technique oil on canvas. This means to hem free and unlimited space where he can show hes own perception of the world, creating[...]

Janez Štros was born in 1964. Janez Štros mainly creates abstracted works with technique oil on canvas. This means to hem free and unlimited space where he can show hes own perception of the world, creating new, exciting world of infinite multiplictiy of messages. Janez Štros paints the stories of inside experiences. His works of art begin in combination of methodical choice of the colour palette and the tale of coincidence. This is an approach which was introducedby Breton manifestand and the theory of subconscious.
Paintings of Janez Štros are made in the technique of oil on canvas. They are created from the inner urge, the desire to profess, to disclose his moods and feelings, personal spiritual states, thoughts and insights. Contents, in which the flow of subliminal is trapped, have an effect on the level of abstract, although illusory forms emerge in them that allude to the subject of reality. The author opens up the door to the most intimate corners of the soul with colors. They are his allies, confidants, partners in discussion, and conveyers of harmonious states, suggestions and symbolic messages. Although a colouristic hedonist, he never uses the entire spectrum, but for each painting chooses its own color concept. He enriches it with endless overflows, shine, stream, synthesising and spreading of color. Layers of color are applied in multi-layer overlap. This results in a unique painting, characterized by a special softness of alloy of colors and countless diverse traces combined in the composition of free, open, dynamic scenes in vivid, pulsating images. With each creation Janez Štros discloses a part of his truth, the art visualization of which consequently represents an experience of personal catharsis.

查看更多的Janez Štros

油在帆布上 | 35.4x35.4 in
油在帆布上 | 35.4x35.4 in
油在帆布上 | 31.5x31.5 in
油在帆布上 | 27.6x27.6 in

