04-11 biancoenero (2011) 描画 Viola Di Massimo によって

紙のグラファイト, 12.6x9.5 in
プライス: 送料無料
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発送元: イタリア (封筒) 2日内で発送
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  • オリジナルのアートワーク (One Of A Kind) 描画, 紙の グラファイト / 鉛筆
  • 寸法 高さ 12.6in, 幅 9.5in
  • フレーミング このアートワークは額装されていません
  • カテゴリ 図面 $500未満
matita su carta この作品について: 分類, テクニック & スタイル グラファイト 同じ長さの黒鉛鉱山の鞘として使われる小さな木の棒で作られた道具である鉛筆で作られた白黒の絵。
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PitturaVioladimassimoArtePerformanceLettera D'amore Da A.p

Viola Di Massimo, (art course at the academy of fine arts of Rome, 1994) since 1988 has been attending personal and collective exhibitions, since 2011 has been opening her study to the public for conferences[...]

Viola Di Massimo, (art course at the academy of fine arts of Rome, 1994) since 1988 has been attending personal and collective exhibitions, since 2011 has been opening her study to the public for conferences and events concerning and presenting her works.

Viola starts her research by means of dark and well definite sign; the pencil along the paper is, according to the artist, the truth of all the work.

She pursues her research making use of oil on various materials; but this isn't enough; the communication needs other means for making it as complete as possible, so she goes on searching about videos and audios in which her other expression, voiced by theatrical monologue, is turned into audio works.

For years Viola has been opening her study to the public for exhibitions and events and in the last years she has interrelated with musicians, actors, artists, art scholars and scholars that study and analyse as an art work can have energetic influence on the surrounding environment. These meetings and this research on how art can energetically influence the environment have the aim to get other things, to go further, to know other points of view and observation vital to the artist, and may be to anyone for a larger view of his world.

I think that creating is an act of pure alchemy where the author fuses himself with the creation, with the intensity of the colours, with the strength of the forms and the might of the signs.

And the “worst” thing is that this continuous fusing will have no end: as long as an art work lives it will never finish to take new meanings, to be observed, to have on itself eyes and spirits of unlimited spectators that at any occasion will turn it again and again in a new work without end.

Viola Di Massimoからもっと見る

キャンバスのオイル | 31.5x23.6 in
キャンバスのオイル | 39.4x11.8 in
紙のグラファイト | 12.6x9.5 in
キャンバスのオイル | 31.5x36.2 in

