Matryoshka FENDI 4 (2021) Malarstwo autorstwa Vera Zvyagina

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Sprzedawca Vera Zvyagina

Papier artystyczny, 11x8 in

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33,32 USD
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  1095 px  

1500 px
Wymiary pliku (px) 1095x1500
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Bank dzieł sztuki
  • Oryginalna praca (One Of A Kind) Malarstwo, Akryl / Marker na Papier
  • Wymiary Wysokość 15,8in, Szerokość 11,8in
  • Oprawianie w ramy Ta grafika nie jest oprawiona
  • Kategorie Obrazy poniżej 500 USD Pop Art Moda
Collectble N13 The new absolutely Italian doll came to Moscow for the festival from 18-19 December. With iPhone and keys from his ferrari in his hands. Dressed in fendi dress. Brand yellow Fendy color gives the brightness of life and emphasizes the impertinence of this doll. She came out of fashion week and ready to bring you on her red Ferrari[...]
Collectble N13
The new absolutely Italian doll came to Moscow for the festival from 18-19 December. With iPhone and keys from his ferrari in his hands. Dressed in fendi dress. Brand yellow Fendy color gives the brightness of life and emphasizes the impertinence of this doll. She came out of fashion week and ready to bring you on her red Ferrari
It will look great in a black thin frame under the glass.

Powiązane tematy

YellowFashion IllustratedFerrariModernPopart

Przetłumaczone automatycznie
Vera Zvyagina is a contemporary artist hailing from St. Petersburg, born in 1991. Her artistic journey is deeply rooted in her family's history. On her mother's side, her grandfather used to paint[...]

Vera Zvyagina is a contemporary artist hailing from St. Petersburg, born in 1991. Her artistic journey is deeply rooted in her family's history. On her mother's side, her grandfather used to paint pictures in the ancient Bryanchaninov estate located in the Pskov region. Many of these works were lost during the revolution when the estate was expropriated, but one painting survived and was inherited by Vera. It is precisely this heritage that led her to adopt the pseudonym "Artist of Blue Blood."

Her mission is profound - to carry on the family's artistic legacy through a modern interpretation. She aspires to have fragments of her family's heritage adorn homes across the world and to pass down her knowledge, skills, and talent to her children and grandchildren, instilling in them a sense of pride in their lineage.

From an early age, Vera received artistic education at an art school, participated in various exhibitions, and received personal tutoring from an artist. After completing school, she enrolled in a Fashion and Design College, where she delved into the world of art and specialized in tailoring and costume design. Concurrently, she continued her artistic development by studying various disciplines such as "specialized drawing" and "academic painting."

The world of fashion captivates Vera, and she decided to combine her two passions - fashion and creating exquisite paintings. In 2016, she underwent training in abstract painting (using acrylics and inks) under the guidance of Alexander Roshchin.

Her inspiration comes from modern interiors that she can embellish with her artworks. She also finds motivation in her city's architecture - the contrast of the grey St. Petersburg against the golden palaces and stucco work. In the lines and simplicity, she senses energy, and her love for her city is reflected in her works.

Zobacz więcej od Vera Zvyagina

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