Digital Meditation. Episode #6. The troll (2021) 絵画 Valia Paella によって


Valia Paella が販売



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Valia Paella が販売



最大解像度: 1080 x 1080 px

Valia Paella が販売

Digital Meditation - The neurosis of efficiency. Episodes Due to the nature of remote work, every day can turn into a workday if we let it. We can find ourselves working past lunch, dinner and through the quiet hours of the night, all while dodging the continuous onslaught of daily notifications and reminders via the accessory in our pocket.[...]
Digital Meditation -
The neurosis of efficiency. Episodes
Due to the nature of remote work, every day can turn into a workday if we let it. We can find ourselves working past lunch, dinner and through the quiet hours of the night, all while dodging the continuous onslaught of daily notifications and reminders via the accessory in our pocket.
The end of a workday can leave us feeling physically and mentally exhausted by digital fatigue.
However the economy needs efficiency from us. So everyone looks like a mess of KPI now and we need to learn digital meditation. The art series consist of acrylic|pastel textures + vaporwave elements collage on it.



My key topics of art manifestation:   #DiZen (Digital citiZen) © - has been created in acrylic on a standard canvas long time ago when I’ve been living in Paris. Today this character[...]

My key topics of art manifestation:


#DiZen (Digital citiZen) © -

has been created in acrylic on a standard canvas long time ago when I’ve been living in Paris.

Today this character integrated into digital media and continues surfing along in fluid time of post and meta - modernism. DiZen reflects the lost of self-identification; it/he/she doesn’t belong her/himself because all the decisions are making by the digital ego. DiZen - a typical virtual citizenship creature of next century accompanied by the digital ethics issue.


Mr.Ur₿an ©

has been created originally on canvas as Mr. Urban made from French centimes coins, performing the historical age of globalization. Today Mr.Ur₿an integrated into new media and manifesting  digital goods in terms of basic level of the Maslow pyramid.


Info Bubble Metaverse © -

Information bubble syndrome, that has been provoked by social media algorithm. Everyone gets the only info fragment that appear in our news feed constructed by AI. This is not enough to build up an objective view and make our society polarised into different micro groups/ community conflicting with each other.

It also provokes intolerance to the opposite opinions and creates fake news.


Fluid Time -

it’s about our existence in terms of the new post-covid & post-meta-modernism age with fluid values and notions. Reality is melting, principles are bending by break-news that changing faster than our mind. Reality is leaking & leaving its physical solid mode.


Digital Meditation -

The neurosis of efficiency. Episodes

Due to the nature of remote work, every day can turn into a workday if we let it. We can find ourselves working past lunch, dinner and through the quiet hours of the night, all while dodging the continuous onslaught of daily notifications and reminders via the accessory in our pocket. 

The end of a workday can leave us feeling physically and mentally exhausted by digital fatigue.

However the economy needs efficiency from us. So everyone looks like a mess of KPI now and we need to learn digital meditation. The art series consist of acrylic|pastel textures + vaporwave elements collage on it.

DigitalEthics -

As digital technologies become more sophisticated, intuitive and powerful, their growing impact on society brings the pressing issue of ethics. The new issue - is to how to manage oneself ethically via online and digital mediums. Reputational impact due to unanticipated consequences of innovations, such as when digital assistants “listen in” on conversations or face recognition or computer-generated voices sound uncannily human.


During 2000-2004 Valia Paella lived in Paris, where she held 2 personal expositions. She has French and Spanish art festivals laureate diplomas.

Valia Paellaからもっと見る

キャンバスのアクリル | 15.8x13.8 in
ポスター $26.76から
キャンバスのアクリル | 15.8x13.8 in
ポスター $26.76から
キャンバスのアクリル | 15.8x13.8 in
ポスター $26.76から
キャンバスのアクリル | 15.8x13.8 in
ポスター $26.76から

