SkullHive (2024) 雕塑 由 Valerii Filipchenko

雕塑 - 树脂, 7.3x6.5 in
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最大分辨率: 2000 x 2000 px

卖家 Valerii Filipchenko

Sculpture in the Vanitas genre. Allegorical composition, the center of which is a skull. The skull is a reminder of the inevitability of death. The viewer perceives it as his "reflection". The skull is a symbol of the frailty of human life, the futility of pleasures and the fleeting nature of material goods. In[...]
Sculpture in the Vanitas genre.
Allegorical composition, the center of which is a skull.
The skull is a reminder of the inevitability of death. The viewer perceives it as his "reflection". The skull is a symbol of the frailty of human life, the futility of pleasures and the fleeting nature of material goods.

In the Vanitas genre, in addition to the skull, other attributes of death and the frailty of human life are used. The composition SkullHive is surrealistic. In it, instead of the attribute of death, bee honeycombs are used. Sweet and healing honey is the antagonist of death. At the same time, the honeycomb shows nascent new skulls. Life and death - the struggle for life and the irrelevancy of death.
Vanitas is a genre of art of the Baroque era. Characteristic of the art of International Mannerism.



Valerii Filipchenko (Val Filip) is a Ukrainian photographer, sculptor and designer. His artistic style was shaped by his fascination with Renaissance novels and Gothic symbolism. He was especially inspired[...]

Valerii Filipchenko (Val Filip) is a Ukrainian photographer, sculptor and designer. His artistic style was shaped by his fascination with Renaissance novels and Gothic symbolism. He was especially inspired by still-lifes in the Vanitas genre. So the idea of creating artworks that would combine symbolism with a pronounced philosophical and religious meaning arose.  With references to historical characters whose example makes people not only remember the transience of life, but also call to think about the salvation of their souls.  
Skull - a reminder of the inevitability of death. Almost obligatory attribute of still life of this genre. Similarly, as a portrait is only a reflection of a once living person, so the skull is only a form of a once living head. The viewer must perceive it as a "reflection"; it most clearly symbolizes the frailty of human life. In the genre of Vanitas, in addition to the skull, a large number of symbols are used. Each symbol has its own meaning. The symbols are meant to remind about the frailty of human life, the futility of pleasures and the fleeting nature of material goods.
Valerii Filipchenko brings his own vision to the classic style of Vanitas. Unexpected references to real historical characters. New author's interpretation of classical symbols, as well as the creation of new modern symbols

查看更多的Valerii Filipchenko

雕塑 - 树脂 | 7.3x6.7 in
雕塑 - 树脂 | 7.2x7.9 in
雕塑 - 树脂 | 7.2x8.2 in
雕塑 - 树脂 | 7x6.1 in

