Satılık orijinal karikatür sanat eseri

1.332 Orijinal sanat eserleri, Sınırlı basım: Discover original[...]

1.332 Orijinal sanat eserleri, Sınırlı basım:

Discover original contemporary Caricature artworks on Artmajeur

Contemporary Caricature artworks are a unique and exciting form of original art. These artworks are created by skilled artists who use a variety of materials such as pencils, pens, markers, and digital tools to produce their work. They can be drawn on a variety of supports including paper, canvas, and digital tablets. What makes these artworks so special is their ability to capture the essence of a person or character in a humorous and exaggerated way.

Resim,  11,7x8,3 in
Another point of view Resim, 11,7x8,3 in
©2022 Володимир Молдавський

Origins and History

Caricature artworks have been around since the Middle Ages, but it wasn’t until the 18th century that they became popular as a form of social commentary. Artists such as William Hogarth and James Gillray were pioneers in the field, creating biting satirical works that lampooned the political and social issues of their time. The 19th century saw the rise of the "golden age" of caricature, with artists like Honoré Daumier and Thomas Nast producing influential works that commented on everything from corruption in politics to the dangers of industrialization.

Heykel,  19,7x13,8 in
Pink rabbit Heykel, 19,7x13,8 in
©2024 Otakar Horáček

Evolutions of theses works in the contemporary art market

Original contemporary caricature artworks have evolved significantly in recent years, reflecting the changing tastes and preferences of the contemporary art market. These artworks are now more diverse and complex, incorporating various styles and techniques to create unique and thought-provoking pieces. They explore a wide range of themes, from political and social commentary to personal identity and cultural heritage, reflecting the diverse experiences and perspectives of contemporary artists. This evolution has made original contemporary caricature artworks an important part of the contemporary art market, attracting a growing number of collectors and enthusiasts who appreciate their creativity, originality, and ability to challenge traditional norms and conventions.

Resim,  7,9x11,8 in
Mon "mecenas" Resim, 7,9x11,8 in
©2024 Slobodan Spasojevic (Spaki)

Related Famous Artists

Contemporary artists who are celebrated for their original contemporary caricature artworks include the likes of Edel Rodriguez, David Levine, and Sebastian Kruger.

Edel Rodriguez is a highly renowned Cuban-American artist known for his striking political caricatures that hold a mirror to society. His works have been published in leading publications such as The New Yorker and Time Magazine. His style is characterized by bold colors and graphic lines that convey power and emotion.

David Levine was an American caricaturist who was famous for his satirical portraits of political and cultural figures. His drawings were known for their intricate details and sharp wit, and he often drew his subjects in unflattering ways that exposed their flaws and weaknesses.

Sebastian Kruger is a German artist known for his caricatures of celebrities and musicians. His works are highly detailed and realistic, capturing the essence of his subjects with precision and humor. He often exaggerates certain features or expressions to create a sense of caricature, while still maintaining the likeness of his subjects.

Other notable contemporary caricaturists include Steve Brodner, Ralph Steadman, and Tom Richmond. Each artist brings their unique style and perspective to the art form, infusing it with humor, satire, and social commentary. These caricaturists continue to push the boundaries of the genre, challenging our perceptions and assumptions about the world around us.

Heykel,  19,7x9,8 in
off work*not power* as animal Heykel, 19,7x9,8 in
©2023 Branimir Misic

Notable original contemporary Caricature artworks

"Self-Portrait with Model Airplane" by Jason Seiler, created in 2013, is a humorous and intricate caricature that depicts the artist holding a model airplane while surrounded by various objects and characters that reflect his personality and interests. Seiler’s attention to detail and skillful use of exaggeration make this piece a standout in contemporary caricature art.

"Mugshot Series" by Robert DeJesus, created in 2014, features a collection of portraits that imagine popular cartoon characters as if they were arrested and being booked at a police station. DeJesus’ unique style and ability to capture the essence of each character make this series both humorous and thought-provoking.

"The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" by Sebastian Krüger, created in 2015, is a striking and powerful portrayal of four famous musicians (Lemmy Kilmister, Keith Richards, Iggy Pop, and Freddie Mercury) as the four horsemen of the apocalypse. Krüger’s use of dark colors and dramatic lighting creates a sense of foreboding and captures the rebellious spirit of his subjects.

"Faces" by Anthony Geoffroy, created in 2016, is a collection of hyper-realistic caricatures that depict famous actors, musicians, and other public figures. Geoffroy’s attention to detail and ability to capture the unique characteristics of his subjects make this series both impressive and entertaining.

"The Trump Collection" by Robert Risko, created in 2017, is a series of caricatures that depict former President Donald Trump in various poses and situations. Risko’s bold use of color and exaggerated features highlight the divisive and controversial nature of his subject.

"Heroes and Villains" by Tom Richmond, created in 2018, is a collection of caricatures that depict famous comic book characters as they would look in real life. Richmond’s attention to detail and skillful use of exaggeration create a sense of realism that breathes new life into these iconic characters.

"American Royalty" by Edward Steichen, created in 2019, is a collection of portraits that depict famous American celebrities and public figures from the early 20th century. Steichen’s use of dramatic lighting and bold poses captures the glamour and power of his subjects and cements their place in American cultural history.

En uygun | En yeni

"Another point of vi…" başlıklı Resim Володимир Молдавський tarafından, Orijinal sanat, Mürekkep
Another point of view - Resim, 11,7x8,3 in ©2022 Володимир Молдавський tarafından - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Karikatür

Володимир Молдавський

"Another point of view"

Kâğıt tarihinde Mürekkep | 11,7x8,3 in

Baskılar mevcuttur
"off work*not power*…" başlıklı Heykel Branimir Misic tarafından, Orijinal sanat, Metaller
off work*not power* as animal - Heykel, 19,7x9,8 in ©2023 Branimir Misic tarafından - Outsider Art, outsider-art-1044, Karikatür, looking be on, 3d wall artwork, raw art, raw wall artwork, raw artwork, need be on, be off, outside work, not alight, not charge, not limited art, new realisme, outsider wall art, outsider artwork, dream art, dream artwork, ready to go, power off, handy, as male

Branimir Misic

"off work*not power* as animal"

Heykel - Metaller | 19,7x9,8 in

"Death is waiting fo…" başlıklı Tablo Noël Van Hoof tarafından, Orijinal sanat, Suluboya
Death is waiting for Joachim (MM22) - Tablo, 14,2x11,8 in ©2024 Noël Van Hoof tarafından - Illustration, illustration-600, Karikatür, Thomas mann, The magic Mountain, Der Zauberberg

Noël Van Hoof

"Death is waiting for Joachim (MM22)"

Karton tarihinde Suluboya | 14,2x11,8 in

İstek üzerine
Baskılar $27,86 dan
"Portrait of mr. Gri…" başlıklı Heykel Nik Tkachaau tarafından, Orijinal sanat, Bronz
Portrait of mr. Grido - Heykel ©2022 Nik Tkachaau tarafından - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Karikatür, Grido, sculpture, bronze, interior

Nik Tkachaau

"Portrait of mr. Grido"

Heykel - Bronz

Satılık Değil
""Justice"" başlıklı Tablo Julia Dogan tarafından, Orijinal sanat, Petrol
"Justice" - Tablo, 36x48 in ©2020 Julia Dogan tarafından - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Karikatür, batman, lady, superhero

Julia Dogan


Tuval tarihinde Petrol | 36x48 in

Baskılar mevcuttur
"TAUREAU EN FORME !" başlıklı Heykel Jean François Levec tarafından, Orijinal sanat, Bronz
TAUREAU EN FORME ! - Heykel, 5,5x7,9 in ©2015 Jean François Levec tarafından - Outsider Art, outsider-art-1044, Karikatür, caricature bronze animal

Jean François Levec


Heykel - Bronz | 5,5x7,9 in

"Babuschka und der P…" başlıklı Tablo Rea Schenk tarafından, Orijinal sanat, 2D Dijital Çalışma
Babuschka und der Penisneid - Tablo, 59,1x59,1 in ©2023 Rea Schenk tarafından - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Karikatür, reaschenk, cadcontent, art, psychology, tragik, bunt, realism, wharhol, amselnkiefer, artbasel, unique

Rea Schenk

"Babuschka und der Penisneid"

Plastik cam tarihinde 2D Dijital Çalışma | 59,1x59,1 in

İstek üzerine
Baskılar $135,93 dan
"La Baguette de Bon…" başlıklı Tablo Philippe Toneut tarafından, Orijinal sanat, Akrilik Ahşap Sedye çerçevesi üzerine monte…
La Baguette de Bon Goût - Tablo, 66,9x39,4 in ©2024 Philippe Toneut tarafından - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Karikatür, eiffel, baguette, comida, food, dibujos animados, arte pop, brillantes, explosión de arte, salchicha, coyote, correcaminos, pintura creativa, cuadros creativos, cuadros especiales

Philippe Toneut

"La Baguette de Bon Goût"

Tuval tarihinde Akrilik | 66,9x39,4 in

Baskılar mevcuttur
"CONVERSATION AVEC S…" başlıklı Tablo Lydia Andre (POP ART LY) tarafından, Orijinal sanat, Akrilik
CONVERSATION AVEC SALVADOR - Tablo, 19,7x24 in ©2020 Lydia Andre (POP ART LY) tarafından - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Karikatür

Lydia Andre (POP ART LY)


Tuval tarihinde Akrilik | 19,7x24 in

""Moquerie"" başlıklı Tablo Iolanda Pasquali tarafından, Orijinal sanat, Akrilik
"Moquerie" - Tablo, 31,5x23,6 in ©2024 Iolanda Pasquali tarafından - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Karikatür, plume, singe, société, classe sociale, animal, surréalisme

Iolanda Pasquali


Tuval tarihinde Akrilik | 31,5x23,6 in

İstek üzerine
"Crude World" başlıklı Heykel Sheraya_berlin tarafından, Orijinal sanat, Ahşap
Crude World - Heykel, 18,9x8,3 in ©2020 Sheraya_berlin tarafından - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Karikatür, rauhe welt, vögel, tiere, comic, holz, skulptur, figuren, bad guy, story


"Crude World"

Heykel - Ahşap | 18,9x8,3 in

"'Cubist Cult Head'" başlıklı Resim A'Zo Hazo tarafından, Orijinal sanat, Işaretleyici
'Cubist Cult Head' - Resim, 11,4x8,3 in ©2024 A'Zo Hazo tarafından - Cubism, cubism-582, Karikatür, Cult head, Cubism

A'Zo Hazo

"'Cubist Cult Head'"

Kâğıt tarihinde Işaretleyici | 11,4x8,3 in

"Pink rabbit" başlıklı Heykel Otakar Horáček tarafından, Orijinal sanat, Rezine
Pink rabbit - Heykel, 19,7x13,8 in ©2024 Otakar Horáček tarafından - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Karikatür

Otakar Horáček

"Pink rabbit"

Heykel - Rezine | 19,7x13,8 in

"Mr..Diamant.." başlıklı Kolaj Bernie Spielmann tarafından, Orijinal sanat, Akrilik
Mr..Diamant.. - Kolaj, 19,7x27,6 in ©2024 Bernie Spielmann tarafından - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Karikatür

Bernie Spielmann


Alüminyum tarihinde Kolaj | 19,7x27,6 in

"Meloman" başlıklı Dijital Sanat Reskatorsilver tarafından, Orijinal sanat, Dijital baskı
Meloman - Dijital Sanat ©2024 Reskatorsilver tarafından - Figurative, figurative-594, Karikatür, meloman, digital art, ReSKaTORSiLver



Dijital Sanat | Çeşitli boyutlar

"State of the ART" başlıklı Dijital Sanat Gustavo Castillo tarafından, Orijinal sanat, Dijital Resim
State of the ART - Dijital Sanat ©2022 Gustavo Castillo tarafından - Street Art, street-art-624, Karikatür, Graffiti, Street Art, Urban, science Fiction, illustration, Hip Hop, Punk Rock

Gustavo Castillo

"State of the ART"

Dijital Sanat | Çeşitli boyutlar

"The Adorable Feline…" başlıklı Dijital Sanat Paolo Chiuchiolo tarafından, Orijinal sanat, AI tarafından oluşturulan görüntü
The Adorable Feline Maharaja - Dijital Sanat ©2024 Paolo Chiuchiolo tarafından - Illustration, illustration-600, Karikatür, maharaja, pasha, indian, persian, persia, ancient, cat, kitten, kitty, portrait, funny, hilarious, ironic, ironical, comical, fantasy, animal, pet, painting, humorous

Paolo Chiuchiolo

"The Adorable Feline Maharaja"

Dijital Sanat | Çeşitli boyutlar

"Ouvre grand la bouc…" başlıklı Tablo Newlon tarafından, Orijinal sanat, Akrilik Ahşap Sedye çerçevesi üzerine monte edilmiş
Ouvre grand la bouche - Tablo, 31,5x23,6 in ©2023 Newlon tarafından - Figurative, figurative-594, Karikatür, tca, maladie, enfant, acrylique


"Ouvre grand la bouche"

Tuval tarihinde Akrilik | 31,5x23,6 in

"Awkward tea party" başlıklı Tablo Anna Jennifer tarafından, Orijinal sanat, Akrilik
Awkward tea party - Tablo, 63,8x52,8 in ©2023 Anna Jennifer tarafından - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Karikatür, traditional, portrait, tea, russian, women

Anna Jennifer

"Awkward tea party"

Tuval tarihinde Akrilik | 63,8x52,8 in

Satılık Değil
"Feeling Rich!" başlıklı Dijital Sanat Votvoll tarafından, Orijinal sanat, Fotoşoplu fotoğrafçılık
Feeling Rich! - Dijital Sanat ©2023 Votvoll tarafından - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Karikatür, new york, rich, pretensious, sky, goden fish, gold, bubbles, pink, blue, clouds, bag, statue of liberty, delusional, Poser, Wannabe, Fake rich, Nouveau riche, money


"Feeling Rich!"

Dijital Sanat | Çeşitli boyutlar

"L'emprise" başlıklı Resim Thérèse Marie Cardon (TMC) tarafından, Orijinal sanat, Grafit Ahşap panel üzerine monte edilmiş
L'emprise - Resim, 11,4x8,3 in ©2024 Thérèse Marie Cardon (TMC) tarafından - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Karikatür, noir blanc, geste, lignes, expression, caricature

Thérèse Marie Cardon (TMC)


Kâğıt tarihinde Grafit | 11,4x8,3 in

"'The Nouvelle Vague'" başlıklı Dijital Sanat A'Zo Hazo tarafından, Orijinal sanat, 2D Dijital Çalışma
'The Nouvelle Vague' - Dijital Sanat ©2020 A'Zo Hazo tarafından - Illustration, illustration-600, Karikatür, Vague, Off Record, Processing, Illustration

A'Zo Hazo

"'The Nouvelle Vague'"

Dijital Sanat | Çeşitli boyutlar

"RTT (Remparts et To…" başlıklı Heykel Jean-Yves Grossiord tarafından, Orijinal sanat, Metaller
RTT (Remparts et Tours de Taulignan) - Heykel, 51,2x47,2 in ©2024 Jean-Yves Grossiord tarafından - Outsider Art, outsider-art-1044, Karikatür

Jean-Yves Grossiord

"RTT (Remparts et Tours de Taulignan)"

Heykel - Metaller | 51,2x47,2 in

Satılık Değil
"CHILL" başlıklı Dijital Sanat Muse Korner tarafından, Orijinal sanat, Foto Montaj
CHILL - Dijital Sanat ©2023 Muse Korner tarafından - Street Art, street-art-624, Karikatür

Muse Korner


Dijital Sanat | Çeşitli boyutlar

"Mon "mecenas"" başlıklı Resim Slobodan Spasojevic (Spaki) tarafından, Orijinal sanat, Pastel
Mon "mecenas" - Resim, 7,9x11,8 in ©2024 Slobodan Spasojevic (Spaki) tarafından - Classicism, classicism-933, Karikatür, caricature, velosiped, portrets, cinque, personne

Slobodan Spasojevic (Spaki)

"Mon "mecenas""

Kâğıt tarihinde Pastel | 7,9x11,8 in

"Rysunek tuszem" başlıklı Resim Paweł Jagła tarafından, Orijinal sanat, Mürekkep
Rysunek tuszem - Resim, 11,4x8,3 in ©1996 Paweł Jagła tarafından - Illustration, illustration-600, Karikatür, rysunek tuszem, grafika, ilustracja

Paweł Jagła

"Rysunek tuszem"

Kâğıt tarihinde Mürekkep | 11,4x8,3 in

Satılık Değil Baskılar $29,74 dan
"Joachim's Shame (MM…" başlıklı Tablo Noël Van Hoof tarafından, Orijinal sanat, Suluboya
Joachim's Shame (MM23) - Tablo, 14,2x11,8 in ©2024 Noël Van Hoof tarafından - Illustration, illustration-600, Karikatür, Thomas Mann, The Magic Mountain, Der Zauberberg

Noël Van Hoof

"Joachim's Shame (MM23)"

Karton tarihinde Suluboya | 14,2x11,8 in

İstek üzerine
Baskılar $27,86 dan
"En couleur" başlıklı Tablo Bernard Courtalon (courtaloni) tarafından, Orijinal sanat, Mürekkep
En couleur - Tablo, 11x15 in ©2024 Bernard Courtalon (courtaloni) tarafından - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Karikatür

Bernard Courtalon (courtaloni)

"En couleur"

Plastik tarihinde Mürekkep | 11x15 in

Baskılar mevcuttur
"The Great Demon (MM…" başlıklı Tablo Noël Van Hoof tarafından, Orijinal sanat, Suluboya
The Great Demon (MM28) - Tablo, 14,2x11,8 in ©2024 Noël Van Hoof tarafından - Illustration, illustration-600, Karikatür

Noël Van Hoof

"The Great Demon (MM28)"

Karton tarihinde Suluboya | 14,2x11,8 in

İstek üzerine
Baskılar $27,86 dan
"Temporary happiness" başlıklı Dijital Sanat Batuhan Gözüaçık tarafından, Orijinal sanat, Dijital Resim
Temporary happiness - Dijital Sanat ©2024 Batuhan Gözüaçık tarafından - Illustration, illustration-600, Karikatür, bar, temporary happiness, lady

Batuhan Gözüaçık

"Temporary happiness"

Dijital Sanat | Çeşitli boyutlar

""THE ARTIFICIAL INT…" başlıklı Tablo Giò Pasta tarafından, Orijinal sanat, Petrol Ahşap Sedye çerçevesi üzerine monte edilm…
"THE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENT" - Tablo, 19,7x27,6 in ©2023 Giò Pasta tarafından - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Karikatür, mental imagery, visionary art, conceptual Art, Art for collectors

Giò Pasta


Tuval tarihinde Petrol | 19,7x27,6 in

Baskılar mevcuttur
"Stink Yourself Out…" başlıklı Tablo Noël Van Hoof tarafından, Orijinal sanat, Suluboya
Stink Yourself Out (MM7) - Tablo, 14,2x11,8 in ©2023 Noël Van Hoof tarafından - Illustration, illustration-600, Karikatür, Thomas Mann, The Magic Mountain, Death

Noël Van Hoof

"Stink Yourself Out (MM7)"

Karton tarihinde Suluboya | 14,2x11,8 in

İstek üzerine
Baskılar $27,86 dan
"Gold Bar" başlıklı Tablo Laurent Perazza tarafından, Orijinal sanat, Akrilik Ahşap Sedye çerçevesi üzerine monte edilmiş
Gold Bar - Tablo, 39,4x39,4 in ©2023 Laurent Perazza tarafından - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Karikatür, popart, goldbar, lingot d'or

Laurent Perazza

"Gold Bar"

Tuval tarihinde Akrilik | 39,4x39,4 in

"Katzenwunder" başlıklı Tablo Frank Römer tarafından, Orijinal sanat, Akrilik Diğer sert panel üzerine monte edilmiş
Katzenwunder - Tablo, 15,8x11,8 in ©2023 Frank Römer tarafından - Abstract, abstract-570, Karikatür

Frank Römer


Kâğıt tarihinde Akrilik | 15,8x11,8 in

"BZZZZZ" başlıklı Tablo Bruno Aimetti tarafından, Orijinal sanat, Akrilik Karton üzerine monte edilmiş
BZZZZZ - Tablo, 14,2x14,2 in ©2024 Bruno Aimetti tarafından - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Karikatür, abeille, personnage, portrait, humour, fantaisie

Bruno Aimetti


Tuval tarihinde Akrilik | 14,2x14,2 in

"Surfeur" başlıklı Heykel Pacom tarafından, Orijinal sanat, Metaller
Surfeur - Heykel, 31,5x15,8 in ©2024 Pacom tarafından - Outsider Art, outsider-art-1044, Karikatür, Surf, Cool, Metal, Sculpture, Bois, Tendance, Art singulier, Surfeur



Heykel - Metaller | 31,5x15,8 in



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