Tatiana Kvasnitsina Foto de perfil

Tatiana Kvasnitsina

Artista (Pintura, Dibujo)
Nacido en fecha desconocida

My name is Tatyana. All her life she dreamed of painting, and at the age of 30 she quit her job at the bank and began to paint her picture.
I came to the world of art self-taught. At one time I did not receive an education in this area, but when I turned 30, I gave up everything for the sake of art and went to study with a teacher, and then I started drawing.
My mission in creativity is aimed exclusively at knowing myself and the world around me. I want to show people with my paintings that all our dreams are real and that you just need to take a step towards yourself. I am definitely a purposeful artist and in the future the meanings of my work will inspire the viewer.

Descubra obras de arte contemporáneas de Tatiana Kvasnitsina, explore obras de arte recientes y compre en línea. Categorías: artistas contemporáneos ucranianos. Dominios artísticos: Pintura, Dibujo. Tipo de cuenta: Artista , miembro desde el 2021 (País de origen Ucrania). Compre los últimos trabajos de Tatiana Kvasnitsina en Artmajeur: Tatiana Kvasnitsina: Descubre impresionantes obras del artista contemporáneo. Explorar obras de arte, comprar obras originales o impresiones de alto nivel.

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