Bleu (2020) 絵画 Sylvie Paule Caron によって

キャンバスのアクリル, 27.6x35.4 in
プライス: 送料無料
発送元: フランス (ボックスまたはカートンのパッケージ)
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お客様のレビュー 優れた

Sylvie Paule Caron が販売



最大解像度: 2354 x 1725 px

Sylvie Paule Caron が販売

Bleu - Blue - is a deep dive in the ocean playing with the moon light. The canva trucks by its variety of blue tints and hues, by the movement of the different elements of the composition. The ocean is depicted as a very vivid creature of mother nature. [...]
Bleu - Blue - is a deep dive in the ocean playing with the moon light. The canva trucks by its variety of blue tints and hues, by the movement of the different elements of the composition.
The ocean is depicted as a very vivid creature of mother nature.


OceanBlueSylvie Caron Polymorph ArtistSeasidePowerfull Sea

Paule Caron is born in southern France, 1973 She starts studying the piano at 5 and graduates as a concert pianist at 17. The same year she spends one year at William Penn College USA , fine arts[...]

Paule Caron is born in southern France, 1973

She starts studying the piano at 5 and graduates as a concert pianist at 17.

The same year she spends one year at William Penn College USA , fine arts department, and becomes a piano soloist 

Meanwhile she also exercices her graphic and painting talents as well as compose her first songs and poems. She regularly gives piano concert as sn accompanist and has been also singing in world top choir such as the Philharmonic Choir Berlin.

Paule Caron uses Colors, music and words to express herself. Her paintings are using a unique technique of I-pad digital art works, printed canvas that she scans and reprint till she finally agrees on finishing her painting by hand, using charcoal and acrylics. Eventually, her paintings are also associated with musics and poems that she composed and records herself.

Paule Caron works on linking the vibrations of the world, trying to bridge als human senses with nature.

As such, she is working on 4 main topics : 

1. the scream, linking it’s sound to the profound faces expressions of black and white portraits, where faces are literally crashing against the frame of the artwork. She is painting and sculpting the flesh through white acrylic strokes, capturing lights and shades, seeking every skin vibrations conséquent to screaming. She explores screams from deep fear, to pure pleasure, using models that come to portraying sessions in her atelier.

2. the architecture, it’s link to nature and humans, questioning the wellbeing and serendipity of modern life’s in cities covered with buildings that leave no place for nature. Humans become here simple shadows or light drawings, fragile creatures in the vampirisation of megalopoles

3. magnolia tree : there’s a splendid magnolia planted at the entrance of the artist atelier. Paule Caron started to spend many hours perched in the tree as spring offered a unique, overwhelming blossoming. Paule Caron started to explore Colors and digital painting perched in the tree. She is seeking here again nothing but to connect all the vibrations of a magnolia tree with our senses. The magnolia work is polymorphe as it exists as paintings, NFT, sculptures and music

4. Water : water as a birth liquid, water as a splashing ocean, as playing pools, a magic liquid, necessary fluid for living, at each age.
this work is specifically linked to a childhood happening; at the age of 3, Paule Caron fell into a pool, January. She keeps as memory a fantastic and magical experience : she remembers a true happiness and enchantment at the bottom of the pool, not understanding the panic of the adults finding her after a few minutes 

Sylvie Paule Caronからもっと見る

キャンバスのアクリル | 23.6x7.9 in
キャンバスのアクリル | 47.2x39.4 in
紙のインク | 11.7x8.3 in
キャンバスのアクリル | 23.6x11.8 in

