Male Black Swallowtails (2013) 絵画 Stephen Warde Anderson によって

その他の素材のアクリル, 11x14 in
プライス: 送料無料
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発送元: アメリカ合衆国 | 2日内で発送
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安全な直接購入 トランザクションはArtmajeurによって保証されています。売り手は、顧客がアートワークを受け取ったときにのみ支払いを受けます。
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  • オリジナルのアートワーク (One Of A Kind) 絵画, その他の素材の アクリル
  • 寸法 高さ 11in, 幅 14in
  • フレーミング このアートワークは額装されていません
  • カテゴリ 絵画 $500未満 ナイーブアート
Male Black Swallowtail butterflies (Papilio asterius), native to North America この作品について: 分類, テクニック & スタイル アクリル 合成樹脂と混合した従来の顔料を使用してペイントします。 [...]
Male Black Swallowtail butterflies (Papilio asterius), native to North America


ButterfliesBlack Swallowtail

Stephen Warde Anderson is a self-taught Midwestern outsider artist whose acrylic paintings depict whimsical worlds inhabited by fairies, mermaids, aliens, fabulous creatures, and glamorous ladies, often in[...]

Stephen Warde Anderson is a self-taught Midwestern outsider artist whose acrylic paintings depict whimsical worlds inhabited by fairies, mermaids, aliens, fabulous creatures, and glamorous ladies, often in distress. Executed in a style best described as naive classicism, his work is characterized by bright colors, strong line, stylized, formal composition, and with its mix of fairy tale like fantasy, fey humor, and social comment presents an ingenuous romanticism free of parody or irony.  He is also creating a body of work of historical portraits.

Born (1953) and resident in Rockford, Illinois, Anderson has been working full-time and exhibiting nationally for over twenty years. He has had numerous one-man shows and has been represented by major dealers in Chicago, Milwaukee, Columbus OH, New York, Texas, Florida, and in the Washington, D.C. area. His paintings have also been featured as cover art for Chronicles magazine.

His work is included in the Roger Brown Study Collection at the Art Institute of Chicago, as well as in the collections of the Smithsonian Art Gallery and the Museum of Folk Art in New York. He is one of the few living painters to be profiled in the Encyclopedia of American Folk Art (Gerard C. Wertkin, New York, 2004) and is the subject of a documentary, "Fantasy Tableau" (available on Vimeo), by Milwaukee film maker Kate Balsley.

Stephen Warde Andersonからもっと見る

合成ボードのアクリル | 12x8 in
その他の素材のアクリル | 16x20 in
その他の素材のアクリル | 11x14 in
その他の素材のアクリル | 12x9 in

