In the Sea Garden. Varna (2010) 絵画 Andrey Soldatenko によって

オイル, 23.6x19.7 in
プライス: 送料無料
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  • オリジナルのアートワーク 絵画, オイル
  • 寸法 高さ 23.6in, 幅 19.7in
  • カテゴリ 絵画 $500未満 造形美術
oil on canvas Painting and drawings is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from the artist. Price without shipping costs. All Rights Reserved. Any painting, graphics and photos in this store can not be reproduced in whole or in part in any way without the written permission of Andrew Soldatenko.©
oil on canvas
Painting and drawings is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from the artist. Price without shipping costs.
All Rights Reserved. Any painting, graphics and photos in this store can not be reproduced in whole or in part in any way without the written permission of Andrew Soldatenko.©


Bulgaria Trees Grass Trail August Summer Tourism City Landscape Rest Repose Vacation Relaxation Recreation Refreshment Comfort Nooning Buy Paintings Russian School Painting Russian Artist

Member of Artists Union of Russia, Member of International Association of Art. Included in the bibliographic catalog "Artists of Saratov and Saratov region" (published by decision of the Academic[...]

Member of Artists Union of Russia, Member of International Association of Art. Included in the bibliographic catalog "Artists of Saratov and Saratov region" (published by decision of the Academic Council of the Saratov State Art Museum named after Radishchev). Andrey Soldatenko was born 27 July, 1975. Andrey graduated Saratov Art College named after Bogolubov in 1995. Studying design at the College Andrey was more interested in painting, especially landscape painting. Every summer, he used to travel to picturesque places on the River Volga for artistic inspiration. The studies painted during those trips found their way into local art exhibitions. The first exhibition was organized by a group of young artists in the autumn of 1993. Its success was very inspiring and after that exhibitions became regular. Around the same time Andrey’s personal exhibitions took place where his paintings and drawings were exhibited. In his early works the artist focused more on representing the fleeting emotions connected with observing the different states of nature or town streets. Along with painting, Andrey produces decorative and abstract works.
In the autumn of 1996, in Saratov Exhibition Hall of the Union of Artists a large exhibition of the works of Saratov artists took place where Andrey Soldatenko presented a series of his works. The exhibition was very successful and attracted a lot of public attention. Responses were quite various – from very positive to critical. This exhibition is still remembered in Saratov now, after all these years.
From 1997 to 2008, Andrey Soldatenkov took part in several exhibitions:
1997, the Regional Exhibition, Saratov;
2002, the exhibition at the 4th Festival of Slavic Culture, Paris. Awarded a diploma of the Russian Centre of International Scientific and Cultural Cooperation of the Russian Government.
2003, the personal exhibition “Beach” in the museum of Pavel Kuznetsov (Saratov State Art Museum named after Radishchev);
2006, the Regional Exhibition of Young Artists, Saratov;
2007, the National Exhibition of Young Artists, Moscow;
2007, the Regional Exhibition, Saratov;
2008, the National Exhibition “Victory”, Volgograd;
2008, the Regional Exhibition, Saratov;
2008, the Regional Exhibition “The Youth of Russia”, Saratov. Awarded a diploma of the Russian Academy of Arts.
2008, the Volga Regional Exhibition “The Big Volga”, Cheboksary.
2009, Exhibition in the Gallery “InDIVA”, Varna.
2009, the National Exhibition "Russia-XI", СHA, Moscow.
2009, the Bulgarian and Russian Exhibition "Prism". Varna, Ruse, Pazargik, Burgas, Sofia. Bulgaria.
2009, Russian Art Week, Moscow
2010, National Exhibition, Central House of Artists, Moscow
2010 Interregional Exhibition - Volga young
2010 National Exhibition of Young Artists (Central House of Artists, Moscow)

In his present day works, Andrey sets himself new, more sophisticated objectives – to create images ideal for the perception of viewers, to find the right bal...

Andrey Soldatenkoからもっと見る

絵画 | 19.7x27.6 in
絵画 | 13.8x20.5 in
絵画 | 11.8x15.8 in
オイル | 19.7x35.4 in

