My Secret Garden (2017) 絵画 Dania Sierra によって

キャンバスのオイル, 40x30 in
プライス: 送料無料
販売者 Dania Sierra
発送元: アメリカ合衆国 (チューブ)
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最大解像度: 2421 x 3256 px

販売者 Dania Sierra

Lady admiring her garden surrounding by animals, florals and bird. この作品について: 分類, テクニック & スタイル オイル 亜麻仁油またはカーネーションで結合された顔料からなる塗料。伝統的な技法は、しっかりとした耐久性のあるハンガーのために、ますます油分が豊富な塗料の層を重ねることで構成されています。
Lady admiring her garden surrounding by animals, florals and bird.


Figurative WomanGardenFloralsBirdAnimals

Ms. Dania Sierra was born in Havana Cuba in 1958 and moved to the United States in 1962. After living in the states for some time Ms. Sierra started to refine her artistic techniques, taking classes at Barry[...]

Ms. Dania Sierra was born in Havana Cuba in 1958 and moved to the United States in 1962. After living in the states for some time Ms. Sierra started to refine her artistic techniques, taking classes at Barry College, Florida Career Institute and the University of Miami. She currently works as a professional fine artist as well as a graphic designer and has run her own professional graphic design company for over 20 years.

Ms. Sierra has been featured in galleries in New York, St Thomas V.I., Lincoln Nebraska and Florida, also at the Latin American Art Museum in Miami, Florida. Her paintings hang in private collections throughout the U.S.A Canada and Europe.

Ms. Sierra was also the recipient of a Fine Arts scholarship to the University of Miami at an early age of her career; she also received a grant to study commercial art and design at The Florida Career Institute, in Miami Florida. In 1989 Ms. Sierra was commissioned by Carnival Cruise Lines to create a kinetic sculpture for its Crystal Palace Hotel and Casino in Nassau Bahamas.

My paintings are journeys through the spiritual worlds of imaginative entities which speak of pain, hope, freedom, nurturing, love and the immortality that exists within all of us. These feelings are resurfaced and unveiled through images of birds, amorphous figures, and abstract surroundings placing the viewer in the magical mystical world of unconscious thought.

Dania Sierraからもっと見る

キャンバスのオイル | 30x24 in
キャンバスのオイル | 30x24 in

