Space cadets (2023) 絵画 Shirley Jacobsen によって

リネンキャンバスのデジタル絵画, 21x12 in
プライス: 送料無料
お客様のレビュー (13)
発送元: アメリカ合衆国 (ボックスまたはカートンのパッケージ) 3日内で発送
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お客様のレビュー 優れた

販売者 Shirley Jacobsen

  • オリジナルのアートワーク (One Of A Kind) 絵画, リネンキャンバスの デジタル絵画 / 2Dデジタルワーク
  • 寸法 25x15 in
    フレーミングなしの作品のみの寸法: 高さ 21in, 幅 12in
  • アートワークの状態 仕事はとても良い状態です
  • フレーミング この作品は額装されている
  • カテゴリ 絵画 $20,000から 古典主義 抽象芸術
These "space cadets" were a joy to create, and they turned out better than I originally thought they would. The more I got into creating them, and the further along I got, the better I liked the finished design. この作品について: 分類, テクニック & スタイル[...]
These "space cadets" were a joy to create, and they turned out better than I originally thought they would. The more I got into creating them, and the further along I got, the better I liked the finished design.


Digital Art Designs Art Designs Design Art

I grew up in a small town in Nebraska in America. I received a bachelor's of career art degree from Southwestern AG University in Waxahachie, Texas graduating cum laude in December, 1993. During the 90's,[...]

I grew up in a small town in Nebraska in America. I received a bachelor's of career art degree from Southwestern AG University in Waxahachie, Texas graduating cum laude in December, 1993. During the 90's,  I was a Congress speaker at the International Congress on Arts & Communications  in several countries including Portugal, Ireland, British Columbia, Washington DC, and Cambridge, England.  

In 2002, I received a doctorate degree in Madrid, Spain after interviewing candidates for doctorate degrees. These were interpreted in various languages, and back to me in English. We were tested during that time frame and I received my doctorate degree from that experience.

From 2015 through 2020, I worked for the candidate and president of the United States,  Donald J Trump. I received several awards from him which are included.

During the last few years I created more than a thousand original art pieces online. I am just beginning to get them publicized to sell them to people who love artistic expressions.

Back in the year 2017 I created videos on YouTube with 10 art pieces in one video. Since then I have used new techniques to make different types of art which are intriguing.

My reason for offering my art for sale is so other people have the opportunity to sell art, to hang out and to enjoy their art when finished.

I am continually creating new art and various new shapes with new ideas and new tools. The specific app that I use is outstanding.

I graduated from Southwestern AG University in Waxahachie, Texas in 1993 and awarded myself to go to Israel in 1944 for 10 days, stopping in England on the way back; because of the awards that I received in college graduating cum laude December 10, 1993.

During my life I helped my husband who was a carpenter, design interior designs for several houses creating the artwork myself and sometimes making window coverings. This was during the seventies and eighties. My favorite thing now is to create art online when I have the urge which is several times a week.

Shirley Jacobsenからもっと見る

リネンキャンバスのデジタル絵画 | 21x12 in
キャンバスのアクリル | 21x12 in

