Greek (2018) 彫刻 Sergey Kostomarov によって

彫刻 - ストーン, 21.7x15.8 in
プライス: 送料無料
発送元: ウクライナ (木枠) 2日内で発送 - 国の現在の状況により、追加の遅延が適用される場合があります
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  • オリジナルのアートワーク (One Of A Kind) 彫刻, ストーンの ストーン / 樹脂
  • 寸法 高さ 21.7in, 幅 15.8in / 25.00 kg
  • フレーミング このアートワークは額装されていません
  • 屋外に適しています? ノー, この作品は屋外では表示できません
  • カテゴリ 彫刻 $5,000未満 古典主義
The image of a purebred Greek. Interpretation of Greek and Roman busts of heroes, where the facial features and character of the horse's owner are captured in the sculpture. The sculpture is made in accordance with the canons of classical academic plastics. The horse's head is made of marble dust and polyester resin. Stand -[...]
The image of a purebred Greek. Interpretation of Greek and Roman busts of heroes, where the facial features and character of the horse's owner are captured in the sculpture.

The sculpture is made in accordance with the canons of classical academic plastics. The horse's head is made of marble dust and polyester resin. Stand - marble


Horse SculptureStone SculptureSculpture ArtOffice SculptureLiving Room Sculpture

Mary`s art galleryによって表さアーティスト
Sculptures by Sergei Kostomarov delight, fascinate and bribe with their truthfulness. The path to the profession of an artist-sculptor was not easy for Sergei. The master was born in a small town in the[...]

Sculptures by Sergei Kostomarov delight, fascinate and bribe with their truthfulness. The path to the profession of an artist-sculptor was not easy for Sergei. The master was born in a small town in the Donetsk region, Svyatogorsk, in a family not connected with the artistic environment. However, undoubted artistic abilities manifested themselves in his early childhood. Sergey watched the animals, drew a lot and sculpted from clay. As a five-year-old boy, he had a chance to see a rural "cleanup" for the construction of a hut-hut, where horses were usually used to knead clay. The first meeting with these graceful animals determined his love for the animalistic genre in sculpture. In order to get to know the nature of horses better, Sergey even got a job as a groom at the Kharkov hippodrome, where he met his main teacher, teacher in life, equestrian coach-teacher Petr Nikolayevich.Sergei received his professional education at KSADA, where he mastered all the intricacies of academic sculpture. Today the artist works in the genre of monumental, monumental-decorative sculpture and sculpture of small forms. He masterfully owns such materials as natural stone, reinforced concrete, artificial stone, but lately he has given preference to bronze. Excellent mastery of the material and the author's handwriting developed over the years make the master's works original and recognizable.

Sergey Kostomarovからもっと見る

彫刻 - ブロンズ | 23.2x19.7 in
彫刻 - ブロンズ | 8.7x10.2 in

