samir-salmi-12.jpg (2000) 雕塑 由 Sea'S Artist


Sea'S Artist 出售



最大分辨率: 999 x 3505 px

Sea'S Artist 出售

  • 原创艺术品 雕塑,
  • 外形尺寸 高度 793.3in, 宽度 17.7in / 6.00 kg
  • 适合户外? 没有, 这件艺术品不能在户外展示
  • 分类 雕塑作品 从US$20,000
sculpto-peinture 关于这件艺术品: 分类, 技术技巧 & 款式 木 雕刻技术使用木材,植物来源的天然材料。 [...]



Samir Salmi has two passions: art and the sea, inspired messenger of ecological emergency, it brings together in a daring work where are intimately mixed with paintings and sculptures marine waste, the wide[...]

Samir Salmi has two passions: art and the sea, inspired messenger of ecological emergency, it brings together in a daring work where are intimately mixed with paintings and sculptures marine waste, the wide scents and echoes of the deep.

Paintings, sculptures, installations, performances ... The creative palette Samir Salmi is vast, beautiful and intriguing to the image of his election theme, the sea. In fact, all it leaves on the shores is the first material gleaner this artist: shells, fish bones and skeletons, sand, salt ... A material redial and staged on wooden racks, metal or plastic for the scale sculptures. Or it transforms into marine texture to form the background of his paintings.

Samir, in fact, nothing is lost, everything evolves into an art object or show. Thus, the "marine environment" exposed to the Mohammed V National Theatre in Rabat in 2001, where over 400 m2, the public was invited to immerse themselves in a fantasy marine world, through sounds, lights and marine scents. Each exposure which earned him the prize Hassan II for the environment, welcome reward for this artist engaged in the ecological cause and each creation reminds us how the sea is vital and must be preserved. Samir also got the price of modern composition "eco-system" of art and 2006 Osaka Environment Symposium in Japan.

Peintre, Sculpteur, Designer, �crivain
Chercheur universitaire, en po�sie et peinture moderne
Plusieurs expositions sur le plan national et international


Doctorat en po�sie et peinture moderne, 2009.

Prix Art & Environnement, Symposium
Art et Environnement Osaka Japon 2006.

Prix Hassan II Pour l�environnement, Maroc 2001.

Premier parmi 600 artistes du monde au catalogue du Salon d�Automne ;Paris,1999.

Prix Environnement, Ribat El Fath, Rabat Maroc, 1997.

Grand Finaliste (art abstrait), Cannes, France, 1995 ,31�me Grand Prix International de Peinture de la C�te d�Azur.

Dipl�me de M�rite, la F�te des Arts, Nesle, Paris France, 1995.

1er prix Composition Moderne Grand Prix International de Peinture, Brugge Belgique, 1994.

2�me prix � Art Primitif � Grand Prix International de Peinture,Brugge Belgique, 1994.

Dipl�me de Grande Finale en Abstraction, Cannes France 30�me Grand Prix International de Peinture, de la C�te d�Azur Cannes, France, 1994.

Prix Docteur Souad Essabah pour la Cr�ativit� inter jeunes arabes Option, Nouvelle, Caire-Egypte, 1992.

Prix de nouvelles, union des Ecrivains Marocains, K�nitra-Maroc, 1988.

Th��tre national Mohamed V � Ambiance Marine � Peinture-installation (400m�) Rabat.

Th��tre national Mohamed V Ambiance Marine
Peinture-installation (400m�) Rabat.

Projet : � Transparence pyramide du Louvre �, Peinture performance sur la grande pyramide en verre du Mus�e du Louvre + sculptures aquatiques autour.

Transparence pyramide du Louvre , Peinture
performance sur la grande pyramide en verre du
Mus�e du Louvre + sculptures aquatiques autour.


Fondateur du mouvement Arts Plastiques-Public, Rabat, 1989.
Fondateur de l�Association des �tudiants Chercheurs, Rabat, 1990.
Membre du Centre de Liaison des Artistes Peintres et Amateurs d�Arts de France.
Membre de la Fondation Mondiale de l'Art , USA.
Membre de l�Association Marocaine des Arts Plastiques (ex secr�taire G�n�ral).
Membre du F�minin � pluriel.

查看更多的Sea'S Artist

雕塑 - 木 | 1,082.7x36.2 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 45.3x36.2 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 58.3x78.7 in
雕塑 - 木 | 399.6x32.3 in

